One Page Checkout PS

Improved checkout process

Boost your sales by offering your customers a fast and easy one-page checkout process.

Compatible with 99% of payment and shipping modules.
Flexible and customizable design.
Over 50 adjustable options.
Stable and secure after 4 years of development.
10,000+ licenses sold.
Top 10 in the PrestaShop Addons marketplace.

(Tax included)
Ratings and comments from our customers
( 4.9 / 5) - 438 feedback(s)

Learn more about our module and purchase safely.

🛒 What is the One Page Checkout module for PrestaShop?

One Page Checkout
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One Page Checkout PS is a module for PrestaShop that allows you to simplify the sales process of your Online store. Your customers will be able to buy your eCommerce products on a single page, thus avoiding cumbersome registration forms to complete the sale, endless validations or excessive purchase steps (registration, shipping, payment, confirmation, etc.).

Now making a purchase will become an easy, friendly and very simple process to carry out. In addition, your customers will be able to see all shipping costs on a single page without registering and a cart summary in which they can modify the quantities of the product without having to reload the page.

One Page Checkout
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One Page Checkout PS 5.0
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Meet our new Checkout 5.0, the future of quick purchasing in PrestaShop.

One Page Checkout PS 5.0
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We work very hard every day to continue advancing in this new version that will improve your customers' shopping experience.

Note: Requires minimum PrestaShop 1.7.6.X and PHP 7.1.3.

Features of the PrestaShop One Page Checkout PS module

One Page Checkout for PrestaShop will allow you to encompass the entire purchasing process of your Online store on a single page. In addition, you will be able to configure it in a very simple way thanks to all the functionalities it incorporates:

Registration through different means. This minimizes registration time: the client can register through Facebook, Google, PayPal, Biocryptology.

Add or remove fields from the purchase record. Make them optional or mandatory. Additionally, you can activate, deactivate or change the order of any field in the record.

Registration fields. You can easily rename the fields in the record. Or, assign them default values.

Google autocomplete. The customer will be able to complete the address using Google.

Restriction of the payment method depending on the shipment. The system will restrict the payment method to be used by the customer based on the selected shipment so that the customer has no doubts about how to pay for the order.

Customization of the images of the payment methods. You can change the images of these payment methods to the ones you choose based on the needs of your store. And all this with the possibility of placing the title and description of the payment from that same section.

Calculation of the remaining money up to a discount. The customer will know at all times how much money they have left to spend if they want free shipping of their products. This encourages conversion and facilitates the purchasing process.

Show or hide unnecessary information. To facilitate the customer's order, you can show or hide information that is not necessary or that does not provide valuable information.

Integrated translation manager. It is prepared with a "Translate" tab so you can easily translate it to the language you want without leaving the settings.

Shipping and billing address. Place the same customer name in both addresses, avoiding duplicate fields.

Templates. You can place the color you want and adapt it to your template.

CIF/DNI/NIF validation of Spain and Chilean RUT before registration. With this option, the customer can add products to the shopping cart and proceed to place the order, only if the system verifies that the identification entered is valid.

Order summary. Show or hide totals in the order summary that are not necessary, e.g. "Total tax". Additionally, you can create new fields to collect additional information about the order (Only visible in the order detail).

Customer groups. You will be able to register clients directly to additional groups than the default one.

Virtual products. You will have the option to show the shipping address when selecting virtual products, since normally that option and carriers are disabled.

Completely responsive. Compatible with mobile resolutions, so you will also have one of the most important aspects covered: having a good shopping experience in mobile formats. Differentiate yourself from your competition! and reduces the number of phone calls from your customers due to not knowing how to make the purchase.

Compatible with purchase without registration "Guest Checkout".

One Page Checkout PS

A little more about One Page Checkout PS

You have to know that one of the most tedious steps for a customer when wanting to buy a product in a store is the purchase process. Although it may not seem like it, from the moment a customer chooses your products, until they make the payment, they have to carry out a series of actions, being able to regret it and ending up not completing the purchase process.

So why not make the purchasing task easier for our customers? With our module, we will avoid all these unnecessary steps, offering our users all the facilities and avoiding losing possible conversions due to having a too complicated or slow purchase process.

Our module for PrestaShop offers great advantages for your eCommerce. Here are the most outstanding ones:

Improve the sales of your online store

When we talk about an online store, we have to talk about one of the most relevant concepts, the conversion rate.

Normally in an eCommerce, one of the main problems is the low conversion rate, since very few visits to the store end up buying the products. All these aspects reduce the overall performance of your online store, the worst of all is that it is often something that goes unnoticed.

This conversion rate will increase the easier the entire purchase process is. That is why offering a simple and one-page purchase process such as One Page Checkout PS will allow us to facilitate the purchase process for the user and increase our sales.

Simplify the purchase process in PrestaShop

By grouping the entire check out process that your customers must carry out in order to finalize their purchases on a single page, you are simplifying one of the steps that can cause the most problems when closing a sale.

In short, you will minimize the number of abandoned carts in your store.

Avoid mistakes in the purchase process

Thanks to One Page Checkout PS you will be able to minimize errors in the purchase process. By using a single page, you'll avoid the typical page-to-page system errors that can cause you to lose sales.

High customization

Our module for PrestaShop offers you a wide set of customization options to facilitate the buyer's task when visiting your online store.

In this way, you can adapt the sale page to the needs of your buyers and increase sales while obtaining more benefits.

Compatibility with carriers and different payment methods

One Page Checkout PS is compatible with all the carriers you have configured, it also has direct support for the following most popular payment methods:

  • PrestaShop Checkout
  • Amazon Pay
  • Mercado pago
  • Paypal
  • Redsys
  • Aplazame
  • Stripe
  • Atos
  • AuthorizeAIM
  • Sveaweb Pay
  • Sequra Payment
  • PayPlug
  • Braintree
  • 2checkout
  • Universal Pay
  • Cash on delivery modules with fee
  • PrestaShop native payment modules

Among other more payment methods from around the world.

Also, if your payment method is not supported, we help you integrate it at no additional cost.

Extended functionalities for One Page Checkout PS

Strategic Compatibility

Access reliable and seamlessly integrated modules, thanks to our solid strategic partnership with LieWebs.

Advanced VAT Manager

Simplifies VAT management in international operations.

DNI Verificator

Validates identifications quickly and securely.

Invoice Generator PRO

Automates the generation of personalized invoices.

Version history

4.3.1 (12/27/2024)
---CHECKOUT 5.0---

Fixed Errors:
- Fixed a visual bug affecting the appearance of the buttons to increase and decrease the quantity.
- Error with the option "Autocomplete customer name when creating an address" which assigned default values if the first name/last name fields were disabled.
- The option "Require a city to be entered" was not working correctly for guest customers.
- The option "Show total excluding tax" was displaying the total with taxes included.
- It did not allow placing the order when the cart is virtual, and fields of type checkoutAddressDeliveryBeforeContent, checkoutAddressDeliveryAfterContent, checkoutShippingBeforeContent, or checkoutShippingAfterContent were configured.
- Did not display the applied fee in the cart on mobile devices.
- Fixed an error that did not display the configured image for the payment method.
- Fixed an error in DNI validation; it was not validating in some stores.
- Fixed an error when setting the Stripe module as default, as it did not display the module form.
- Fixed an error where reCAPTCHA validation was disabled but configured keys existed, indicating an error in validation.
- Fixed an error when enabling the option "Show list of cities using"; changing the country or province did not clear the city field.
- Fixed an error with the option "Use postal code autocomplete from"; changing the postal code did not reload the city list.
- Fixed a multistore error: custom field titles were not displayed according to the store configuration.
- Added validation to avoid saving an empty phone field with blank spaces. If the phone mask is active, it will not allow saving without a valid value.
- Fixed a validation error that allowed completing the purchase even if the shipping and/or billing address had mandatory fields left incomplete.
- Fixed an error with the option "Remove the link from the products"; it was not functioning.
- Fixed an error where the payment method image was always searched in our module, even when none were configured.
- Problem with setting guest checkout as default: the password checkbox was not being hidden.
- Resolved an issue where email fields, different from the customer's email in the registration form, were not being saved.
- Fixed an issue where, when multiple products were in the cart, the scroll was not displayed, preventing clear visibility of additional items in the cart.
-Fixed an issue with the payment confirmation button that allowed multiple clicks.

New Features and Improvements:
- Added functionality to display provinces organized alphabetically.
- Implemented DNI validation functionality for Portugal.
- Added functionality to allow the customer to change their password.

- Module: payseradelivery - v1.5.2 - Paysera.
- Module: bridge - v1.0.13 - 202 ecommerce.
- Module: PrestaShop Sell in Multiples of Quantities - v5.0.4 - by Webkul.
- Module: checkvat: Fixed the error that validated the VAT number even when the field was disabled.
- Module: wkauthorizepayment - v1.0.1 - Webkul.
- Module: ets_payment_with_fee - v2.3.6 - ETS-Soft: Added an improvement so that, when applying the fee, the previously configured description or title in the module is displayed.
- Module: wkpaymentfee - v6.1.1 - Webkul.
- Module: kbcodwithfee - v2.0.3 - Knowband.

---CHECKOUT 4.0---

Fixed Errors:
- Fixed an error that caused empty addresses to also delete addresses associated with suppliers and manufacturers.
- Fixed an error that sometimes prevented the email field from being displayed.
- Fixed an error when setting the Stripe module as default, as it did not display the module form.

- Module: PayPal: Fixed an error that sometimes did not display the module's payment button when this payment method was selected.
- Module: MONEI Payments - v1.4.2 - MONEI.
4.3.0 (08/01/2024)
Checkout 4.0
  - Recomendamos actualizar a Checkout 5.0, ya que esta versión ya no recibe mantenimiento.
  - Compatibilidades:
    - slmshipping - v1.0.3 - por Skroutz
  Checkout 5.0
  - Errores corregidos:
    - Solucionados problemas en la compra de productos virtuales.
    - Corregido el error donde, al desactivar la confirmación de correo electrónico en el registro, este seguía siendo solicitado.
    - Arreglado el problema donde el campo 'dni' desactivado seguía siendo requerido por el país.
    - Solucionados problemas con el funcionamiento del Captcha v3 integrado.
    - Se corrigió el problema donde los valores de los campos personalizados no se mostraban ni guardaban.
    - En modo de prueba, los campos personalizados ya no se muestran en el checkout nativo.
  - Nuevas características y mejoras:
    - [IMPORTANTE] Mejoras de seguridad.
    - Mejorada la experiencia de usuario en el paso de iniciar sesión y registro de cliente.
    - Ahora es posible ocultar la dirección de envío y facturación, ya sea mediante opciones o desactivando todos los campos.
    - Nueva opción para mostrar la caja de comentarios del envío en el paso de pago.
    - Nueva opción para controlar la visualización del carrito en dispositivos móviles.
    - Nueva opción para dejar seleccionado por defecto el checkbox de compra como invitado.
    - Implementada la funcionalidad de mostrar el listado de ciudades utilizando Geonames.
    - Si el cliente no tiene direcciones creadas, se muestra directamente el formulario de dirección.
    - Añadida la funcionalidad de zoom en las imágenes de los productos del carrito.
    - Al modificar los valores del carrito, estos se actualizan en el carrito del header si está activo.
    - Reactivación del texto 'Confirmar' en los campos de confirmar correo y contraseña.
  - Compatibilidades:
    - Omniva Shipping - v2.0.20 - Mijora
    - Venipak Shipping - v1.1.5 -
    - slmshipping - v1.0.3 - por Skroutz
    - Selección forzada de 'stripe_official' mediante botón de radio.
    - Solucionado el problema visual de los popups cuando se usa la plantilla 'warehouse'.
    - Cambios en CSS para compatibilizar el módulo 'darique'.
4.2.3 (05/10/2024)
- Errores corregidos:
    - Se soluciona definitivamente la visualización del módulo 'Paypal' para los visitantes.
  Checkout 5.0
  - Errores corregidos:
    - Se soluciona el problema que impedía cerrar la ventana emergente al iniciar sesión con redes sociales, ahora refresca la página con el cliente correctamente autenticado.
    - Se elimina la opción de establecer 'stripe_official' como método de pago predeterminado debido a problemas de compatibilidad.
    - Se corrige el problema que impedía la carga del header y footer personalizados del módulo 'stsitebuilder' en la página de checkout.
    - Se solucionan problemas identificados con el 'Paypal Express Checkout'.
    - Se corrige el problema del 'Captcha inválido' cuando fallaba el inicio de sesión.
4.2.2 (04/26/2024)
Checkout 4.0
  - Errores corregidos:
    - Corregido: El botón de Paypal se deshabilitaba al cambiar el método de transporte con los términos y condiciones activados.
    - Solucionado el problema que impedía editar campos por defecto de PrestaShop en los tipos de campo radio y select.
    - Eliminada la ejecución del hook 'displayExpressCheckout' en el resumen del carrito para evitar la duplicación de los botones de pago express de PayPal.
  - Nuevas características y mejoras:
    - Reactivada la opción para seleccionar métodos de pago desde cualquier sección del proceso de pago.
    - Corregido el error en la visualización del total de impuestos en el carrito, basado en la dirección de facturación.
  - Compatibilidades:
    - mobm - v1.4.7 -
    - nrtcaptcha - v1.0.4 - AxonVIP
    - culqi - v3.0.7 - Culqi
    - paypal - v6.3.0 - 202 ecommerce - Solucionado el problema de visualización de pagos para visitantes.
    - stsitebuilder v1.2.6 - st themes
  Checkout 5.0
  - Errores corregidos:
    - Solucionado el error al eliminar productos con combinaciones del carrito.
    - Corregido: No se preseleccionaban las opciones por defecto de los campos.
    - Resuelto el bloqueo al guardar cuando había campos requeridos y desactivados.
    - Problema de compatibilidad con PrestaShop 1.7.2 solucionado.
    - Mejora en la compatibilidad con nuestro módulo CustomerTypeOPC.
    - Se limita la compatibilidad con klarnapayment a versiones iguales o inferiores a 1.3.5, para evitar conflictos de compatibilidad.
    - Ajustes en el diseño responsive entre las medidas 721px y 991px.
    - Solucionado el problema relacionado con el uso del módulo 'autoupgrade' de PrestaShop.
    - Corregido el problema ocasionado por la activación de la minificación de código HTML en ciertos módulos de terceros.
    - Solucionado el error que impedía recuperar carritos con enlaces generados desde el BackOffice.
  - Nuevas características y mejoras:
    - [IMPORTANTE] Implementada la funcionalidad de Google reCaptcha v3 en los formularios de registro y login de nuestro módulo, y en el formulario de contacto de PrestaShop.
    - [IMPORTANTE] Ahora los inicios de sesión con Google y Facebook son compatibles con la app de Reskyt.
    - [IMPORTANTE] Nuevo hook 'displayOpcSocialNetwork' para mostrar los botones de inicio de sesión con redes sociales en cualquier parte de la tienda.
    - Añadida la opción de vaciar rápidamente todos los productos del carrito.
    - Mejora visual en dispositivos iPad Air con resolución de 820px.
    - Implementados dos nuevos hooks personalizados para mejorar la compatibilidad con terceros: actionOpcCustomerAddressFormatSaved y actionOpcCustomerFormatSaved.
    - Añadido un scroll vertical en el apartado de direcciones cuando existen múltiples direcciones.
    - Añadida la opción de mostrar la referencia del producto en el resumen del carrito.
    - Posibilidad de marcar si una dirección es de facturación directamente desde la edición de direcciones del BackOffice.
    - Ahora los campos obligatorios en cliente y direcciones, aunque estén desactivados, se llenan con 'NA' en lugar de un punto (.)
    - Implementado scroll automático al cambiar de pasos en el proceso de checkout para mantener el foco.
  - Compatibilidades:
    - mobm - v1.4.7 -
    - correosoficial - v1.2.8.0 - Grupo Correos
    - ets_extraoptions - v1.2.2 - PrestaHero
    - seur - v2.5.9 - de Seur
    - chilexpress_oficial - v1.2.9 - Chilexpress
    - pshowdomaincontrol
    - paypal - v6.3.0 - 202 ecommerce - Corregido el problema de visualización de pagos para visitantes.
    - stsitebuilder v1.2.6 - st themes
  Cambios generales:
  - Traducción parcial al húngaro (HU).
4.2.1 (12/22/2023)
Fixed Errors:
    - [IMPORTANT] Fixed an issue with the RegistrationController override in PrestaShop 8, which was causing problems in the native customer registration.
    - Resolved an issue where too many unnecessary AJAX calls were being made when using new custom fields in different locations.
    - Corrected the label of the password confirmation field, which was incorrect.
   New Features and Improvements:
    - Added a new 'time' control type for custom fields.
    - Implementation of the native datepicker for date fields, solving compatibility issues with third-party modules.
    - To prevent automatic password autocomplete by browsers, password fields will now start empty, preventing errors when saving.
    - Improved compatibility with address fields added by third-party modules.
    - Added an option to set a default selection in custom fields of select and radio types.
    - [IMPORTANT] Enhanced compatibility with klarnapayment - v1.3.5 by Invertus, ensuring its proper functioning.
    - Compatible with the new 'Hummingbird' template for PrestaShop 8 users.
    - mercadopago - v4.14.0 - mercadopago. Note: A specific change in the module is required, available on our GitHub fork:
    - ets_payment_with_fee - v2.4.3 - PrestaHero. Fixed the issue of not adding the additional charge (fee) at the time of payment.
    - paypal - v6.2.1 - 202 ecommerce. Fixed an issue where the 'confirm purchase' button was blocked when selecting PayPal and then trying to switch to another payment method.
    - idxrvalidatinguser - v4.3.3 - InnovaDeluxe. Improved compatibility.
4.2.0 (11/21/2023)
Checkout 4.0
   Fixed Errors: N/A
   New Features and Improvements:
    - Added the option to require a message on the order to proceed with the purchase.
    - stripe_official - v3.3.3 - Stripe
    - installmentbankwire - v17.1.2 - AlabazWeb
 Checkout 5.0
   Fixed Errors:
    - Solved the issue when logging in using social networks.
    - Fixed a translation error in the Italian text.
   New Features and Improvements:
    - SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT: It is now possible to create custom fields per order and position them in the following locations: after the shipping address, after the billing address, before the carriers, and after the carriers. More locations will be added in future versions.
    - Added the option to require a message on the order to proceed with the purchase.
    - Reactivated the functionality of selecting the payment method from any section, but only for certain payment methods, if required by selecting the corresponding option button.
    - Paypal - v6.0.2 - 202 ecommerce (correction to paypal_mb)
    - installmentbankwire - v17.1.2 - AlabazWeb
4.1.9 (09/23/2023)
Errores corregidos
  - Se solucionó el problema que impedía la preselección del método de pago configurado como predeterminado.
  - Cuando se cambia el formato de la fecha del idioma, puede generar problema en los campos personalizados tipo fecha.
 Checkout 5.0
   Errores corregidos
    - Ahora es posible configurar opciones con Multi-tienda activa en PrestaShop 8.1 sin errores.
    - Al desactivar la opción de requerir contraseña, ahora permite crear nuevos registros de clientes sin problemas.
    - El transporte seleccionado previamente se mantiene cuando se recarga la página de compra como visitante.
    - El enlace 'continuar comprando' y el logo ahora se ajustan correctamente según el idioma que esté utilizando el cliente.
    - Se han agregado traducciones faltantes en los idiomas principales.
   Nueva característica y mejora
    - Se ha realizado una actualización al idioma PL enviado por cliente.
    - Si la función de Geolocalización está activada, se realizará una preselección del país automáticamente, siempre y cuando el campo 'id_country' tenga un valor predeterminado de 0 en la configuración de campos del registro.
    - Se mejoró la compatibilidad con el módulo ets_advancedcaptcha v1.2.8 de PrestaHero.
    - Se ofrece soporte al módulo correosoficial v1.2.3.0. Nota: Se requiere la versión modificada de correosoficial para su correcto funcionamiento en este momento.
4.1.8 (08/17/2023)
Nueva característica y mejora
  - Resuelto: Scroll superior eliminado al cargar popups en dispositivos móviles para mejorar la experiencia del usuario.
  - Ahora, al hacer clic en la etiqueta de un radio button, este se selecciona automáticamente.
  - Optimización: Solo se incluyen override.js y override.css si contienen información guardada.
 Errores corregidos
  - Problema al intentar comprar productos virtuales.
  - Error con la opción 'Permitir cambiar contraseña en el checkout'.
  - Añadido soporte para el módulo de pago 'getnet'.
  - Añadido soporte para la versión 3 del módulo Stripe Official (v3.1.1) de Stripe.
  - Añadido soporte para pts_stripe (v4.0.7) de PresTeamShop.
  - Añadido soporte para klarnapayment (v1.0.4) de Invertus.
 Checkout 5.0
   Errores corregidos
    - IMPORTANTE: Ahora compatible con PrestaShop 8.1.X.
    - Resuelto: Problema de selección de provincias con dos palabras al usar el autocompletado de Google.
    - Corregido: Campos personalizados en direcciones que eran requeridos en todo momento.
    - Solucionados mensajes de error faltantes en campos del formulario del cliente.
    - Ahora se validan correctamente los campos de otros módulos en Cliente y Dirección, usando 'validateCustomerFormFields' y 'validateCustomerAddressFormFields'.
    - Resuelto: No se muestra la nueva imagen de módulo de pago si se cambia después de enviarla.
    - Corregida la visualización de popups CMS construidos con Elementor.
    - Problema resuelto con productos virtuales y la opción de mostrar dirección de envío.
    - Corregida la pérdida de estado y ciudad después de autocompletar con geonames como visitante.
    - Solucionado error visual en el botón de cantidad en el carrito.
    - Problema solucionado en el popup de resultados de Geonames que impedía la selección en ocasiones.
    - Autocompletado de Google corregido cuando el campo de país está desactivado.
    - Actualización automática de datos del cliente después de cambios, sin necesidad de recargar la página.
   Nueva característica y mejora
    - IMPORTANTE: Los visitantes pueden decidir registrarse o continuar como invitados, ya no se fuerza la compra de invitados.
    - IMPORTANTE: Nuevo diseño de 3 columnas v1.
    - Mejora: Se debe hacer clic en los radio buttons de pago para evitar problemas con eventos en módulos de pago.
    - Mejora en la visualización de errores del hook 'actionOpcValidatePayment'.
    - Nuevo hook 'actionOpcValidateShipping' implementado para validar el transporte previamente.
    - Búsqueda primero por iso code antes que por nombre con el autocompletado de Google.
    - Actualización del idioma BR proporcionado por un cliente.
    - Los visitantes registrados pueden ver transportes y pagos en modo lectura.
    - Cambio de posición del hook 'displayShoppingCart'.
    - Añadido soporte para la versión 3 del módulo Stripe Official (v3.1.1) de Stripe.
    - Corregida la compatibilidad con el módulo 'paypalwithfee' (v5.3.0) de
    - Nuevo emit 'opc-cart-updateCartActionPsAndMore' para compatibilidad con 'psandmore'.
    - Añadido soporte para ets_advancedcaptcha (v1.2.8) de PrestaHero.
    - Corregida la compatibilidad con 'idxrvalidatinguser' en registro profesional.
    - Nuevo hook 'actionOpcValidateDni' para la compatibilidad con el módulo 'dniverificator' de Liewebs.
    - Añadido div 'js-checkout-summary' para compatibilidad con algunos módulos.
    - Corrección de error JS con 'advancedvatmanager' en ausencia de direcciones.
    - Añadido soporte para orderfees_payment (v44.8) de motionSeed.
    - Corregido problema con captcha de 'securitypro' y footer nativo.
    - Añadido soporte para klarnapayment (v1.0.4) de Invertus.
    - Añadido soporte para Fmmgiftwrapping (v1.1.1) de FMM Modules.
4.1.7 (05/17/2023)
New feature and improvement
  - FR, GB, and IT languages have been updated.
  - The RO and IT translations have been improved.
  - Fixed an issue where field values were being deleted when editing an address from the order detail page.
  - Corrected an issue when opening CMS popups created with Elmentor.
  - Fixed the display of configured payments that were no longer installed.
  - Solved an issue with the activation of transport module compatibility where the transport selection was not being changed.
  - Translations for registration fields are now created correctly after adding a new language.
 Checkout 5.0
     - Resolved an issue with the functionality of displaying the pickup point selection message.
     - Title and description are now displayed correctly in payment methods.
     - Paypal Express address data is now preloaded correctly.
     - Fixed a specific issue with PrestaShop version 1.7.3.
     - Corrected the inclusion of the 'TextareaType' class from an incorrect namespace.
     - The 'Warehouse' template now correctly shows the design for increasing and decreasing product quantities.
     - If a product has no image, the default image is now loaded correctly.
     - The module now works correctly even if friendly URLs are not enabled.
     - Corrected the issue when opening CMS popups created with Elmentor.
   New feature and improvement
     - Implemented the new hook 'actionOpcFreeShippingService' to ensure compatibility with modules that manipulate transport prices.
     - Added the text 'products (X)' in the badge that displays the number of products in the cart.
     - Exported the Jquery (window.jqueryOPC) of the module to capture and dispatch events.
     - Implemented the emit 'opc-cart-getCartSummary' to reload the cart summary.
     - The cart is now expanded by default on mobile devices.
     - Optimized the loading of steps through Ajax.
     - Implemented the new hook 'actionOpcValidateDeleteAddress' to handle validations when deleting addresses.
     - Implemented the native emit 'updatedDeliveryForm'.
     - PTS Customer Type OPC - v4.0.1 - PresTeamShop
     - megafreezones - v17.1.0 - Alabazweb Pro
     - revolutpayment - v2.2.4 - Revolut
     - samedaycourier - v1.4.22 - Sameday Courier (a change in the original module on the github fork is required).
     - klarnapaymentsofficial - v2.2.3 - Prestaworks AB
     - facturare - v4.1.5 - Daniel Patilea
     - cashondeliveryplus -
     - ps_checkout - v2.20.2 (Paypal express checkout was not working)
     - smallpay - v4.0.0 - SmallPay Srl
     - sendcloud - v1.5.2 - Sendcloud
     - mondialrelay - v3.3.3 - ScaleDEV
     - payoutloud - v1.2.2 - AdsOutLoud LLC
     - paypalwithfee - v5.3.0 - Fixed an error that displayed incorrect values in the cart summary.
     - The 'Warehouse' template now correctly shows the design for increasing and decreasing product quantities.
4.1.6 (01/12/2023)
  New feature and improvement
   - The login by Biocryptology is removed.
   - If the postal code does not appear in the Geonames when consulting cities, remove the postal code previously entered.
   - The module does not load well when it is in French in BO or FO.
   - The option of not recharging the transports after changing the province was not working, it always recharged.
   - Does not show missing free shipping when Shipping Configurator Pro is activated.
   - ps_checkout - v2.20.2 - PrestaShop - Express Checkout Paypal support.
   - paypalfeeplus - v1.2.0 - IdNovate.
   - braintreeofficial - v1.2.5 - 202 ecommerce.
   - dm_cashondelivery - v3.0.0 - David Mrózek.
   - dm_vatorder - v3.0.0 - David Mrozek.
   - paypal - v5.7.3 - 202 ecommerce.
  New Checkout 5.0
      - Error when creating a customer account without placing a personalized password.
      - Problem with ajax requests when other modules of ours were installed.
      - It did not load the global 'notifications' of the prestashop.
      - It gave a notice when eliminating all the addresses of a client in the FO.
      - Removed old compatibility with the 'stripe_official' module that gave an error when loading payments. It is necessary to use the latest version.
      - Problem showing custom field options.
      - It showed the images without httpS.
    New feature and improvement
      - Move the displayShoppingCart and displayShoppingCartFooter hook to the footer.
      - After logging in, the customer is redirected to my account or to the cart in case they have added products.
      - When there are no addresses, now a button is shown to add the address and not the form directly.
      - The errors returned by the 'actionSubmitAccountBefore' hook are now visible.
      - The errors returned by the 'actionAuthenticationBefore' hook are now visible.
      - To modify the personal data you must enter the password to be able to save.
      - The 'displayCustomerLoginFormAfter' hook is implemented.
      - The 'actionOpcCustomerAddressFormFields' hook is implemented.
      - The 'displayCartExtraProductActions' hook is implemented.
      - The login by Biocryptology is removed.
      - The visualization of the values of additional fields in the order detail in PrestaShop >= 1.7.7.X has been improved.
      - The option to allow or not to add discounts to the cart is removed.
      - Fixed problem in the design of steps when changing direction to payments having virtual products in the cart.
      - The postal code field is removed when it is not necessary in a certain country.
      - Validation of the minimum purchase is implemented at the time of payment.
      - The configuration to accept or not the google autocomplete suggestion is implemented.
      - The 'company' field is raised to 64 characters.
      - ps_checkout - v2.20.2 - PrestaShop - Express Checkout Paypal support.
      - paypalfeeplus - v1.2.0 - IdNovate.
      - braintreeofficial - v1.2.5 - 202 ecommerce.
      - dm_cashondelivery - v3.0.0 - David Mrózek.
      - advancedvatmanager - v1.4.3 - Liewebs - Compatibility improvements.
      - mondialrelay - v3.1.12 - ScaleDEV.
      - redsyspur - v1.0.2 - Redsys Processing Services S.L.
      - megaproduct - v.17.3.0 - AlabazWeb.
      - paypalplus: v1.2.3 - PixelWeb.
      - theme 'alysum': Visual support when displaying the products in the cart of this template.
      - theme 'panda': The header and footer of the template are integrated.
4.1.5 (09/15/2022)
   - Error 404 al dar clic en el inicio de sesión de las redes sociales.
   - Problemas con forzar compatibilidad en algunos pagos, por ejemplo: Paypal.
   - No muestra las miniaturas de las combinaciones de los productos en el carrito en la plantilla Warehouse.
   - Paczkomaty 24-7 - v1.4.0 - - Cuando no mostraba transportes, causada un problema en la carga del carrito.
 Nuevo Checkout 5.0
     - No carga formulario de direcciones en el diseño vertical cuando el cliente logueado no tiene direcciones.
     - No coloca los valores de los campos personalizados en el formulario de cliente.
     - Error en el carrito de PrestaShop
     - OPC-I12: Errores en la página de registro al crea una cuenta cuando requiere las políticas de privacidad y no se envía una contraseña.
     - Cuando ya se tenia una dirección y era seleccionada una sugerencia del autocompletar de Google, el Estado no estaba cambiando.
     - Error al guardar un campo con el backslash.
   Nueva característica y mejora
     - Implementación de la opción de GeoNames para autocompletar País, Estado y Ciudad usando el código postal.
     - Mejoras de seguridad en las peticiones ajax.
     - Movemos el hook 'displayShoppingCartFooter' y 'displayShoppingCart' al footer del checkout.
     - Opción de autocompletar el nombre y apellido del cliente en la dirección de envío y facturación.
     - Mejora visual en la barra de proceso del envío faltante.
     - Ahora muestra loading al momento de manipular acciones en las paginas de Direcciones e Información personal dentro de Mi Cuenta.
     - Se implementa el hook 'displayExpressCheckout'.
     - Se implementa la opción de mostrar el peso del producto en el carrito.
     - Se implementa el footer de las paginas de Direcciones e Información personal dentro de Mi Cuenta.
     - ets_payment_with_fee - v2.2.9 - ETS-Soft - Se acomoda compatibilida realizada en la 4.1.4 que daba problemas.
     - No muestra las miniaturas de las combinaciones de los productos en el carrito en la plantilla Warehouse.
     - advancedvatmanager - v1.2.0 - Liewebs - Full integración.
     - idxvalidatinguser - v4.1.6 - innovadeluxe
     - securitypro - v8.7.8  - Mathias Reker
     - megaproduct - v.17.1.0 - AlabazWeb
     - swastarkencl - v3.6.0 - Softwareagil
     - amazonpay - v4.1.1 - patworx multimedia GmbH - Adaptación de la opción de mostrar o no el botón de Express Checkout.
     - hipay_enterprise - v2.17.0 - HiPay
     - Corrección en la compatibilidad con el módulo 'minpurchase'.
     - OPC-T31: vatnumbercleaner - v1.5.12 - de MassonVincent
     - a4pauthorizenet - v2.0.1 - Addons4Presta
     - samedaycourier - v1.4.22 - Sameday Courier
     - gmparcellocker - v1.4.1 -
     - ets_geolocation - v1.1.4 - ETS-Soft
     - paypal - v5.7.1 - 202 ecommerce - Compatibilidad con Paypal Express Checkout.
4.1.4 (05/31/2022)
   - Compatibilidad módulo de pago: mollie - v5.0.1 - Mollie B.V
   - Tranducción al Rumano (RO)
   - Tranducción al Portugues (PT)
   - Actualización del idioma Catalán (CA)
 Nuevo Checkout 5.0
   - Bug
     - No era mostrado el formulario de dirección de facturación en productos virtuales
     - Problema con pedidos gratuitos
     - Problema al volver a pedir un pedido desde la cuenta del cliente -> historial de pedidos
     - Evitamos el registro de invitados desde la página de registro/autenticación, solo se permitirá desde la página de checkout
   - Nueva característica y mejora
     - Encapsulamos el código Javascript para evitar problemas con errores Javascript que pueda tener la tienda y afectar el correcto funcionamiento de nuestro módulo
     - Mejoras en el código
     - #OPC-936: Opción de implementar mascaras a los campos de 'teléfono' y 'teléfono móvil' según el país de la dirección
     - #OPC-939: Opción para restringir que el campo 'dni' sea unico por dirección de cliente
     - Mostrar personaliz aciones de producto en el resumen de carrito
     - Implementación de las 'notifications' del controlador
     - Implementación de opción para ocultar el bloque de descuentos
   - Compatibilidades
     - Integración completa con Amazon Pay 4.1.2
     - megareembolso - 17.1.17 - Author: AlabazWeb Pro
     - ets_payment_with_fee - v2.2.9 - ETS-Soft
     - #OPC-940: Extensión de propiedades del producto - v3.3.14 - psandmore: Mostrar la cantidad de producto en decimales en el resumen del carrito
4.1.3 (03/18/2022)
- Compatibilidades:
 - Compatibilidad módulo de pago: mollie - v5.0.1 - Mollie B.V
- Nuevo Checkout 5.0:
  - #OPC-853:
   * En versiones 1.7.8.X mostraba el botón de confirmar pedido pese a no confirmar puntos de recogida u otras condiciones.
   * Al pasar del checkbox 5.0 al antiguo, se ocasionaba un error con los campos del registro (isInt).
   * Problema visual en el resumen de carrito al tener dos módulos de pago que mostrarán fee.
   * Mejora en el uso del hook 'actionSubmitAccountBefore'.
   * Pequeña mejora de seguridad.
   * Implementación del Datepicker para los campos de tipo Fecha.
   * Implementación de Emits para manejo de compatibilidades con módulos de terceros.
   * Migración de la opción para mostrar el botón 'Continuar comprando'.
   * Migración de las validaciones de DNI para España, Chile e Italia.
   * Pre-seleccionamos automáticamente las nuevas direcciones creadas en el checkout.
   * Compatibilidad módulo de pago: klarnapaymentsofficial - v2.1.7 - Prestaworks AB
   * Compatibilidad módulo de pago: stripejs - v4.3.9 - NTS
   * Compatibilidad módulo de pago: kf_paypal - v2.1.7 - KForge
   * Compatibilidad módulo de pago: mollie - v5.0.1 - Mollie B.V
4.1.2 (02/18/2022)
- Compatibilities:
 - #OPC-927: Visual adjustment when displaying customer types by list by the Customer Type OPC - PresTeamShop module.
- New Checkout 5.0:
  - #OPC-853:
   * Important fix: 'STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION' error in Chrome and Edge due to browser update.
   * When having the guest purchase active and trying to register, it was created as a guest and not as a client.
   * Implementation of the 'actionSubmitAccountBefore' hook for compatibility with third-party modules that use it.
   * Module compatibility: glsshipping - v3.3.2 - GLS.
   * When a registry field did not have a translation in some language for some reason, it gave an error.
   * The autogenerate password in the registry was not working properly.
   * Error when a zone for the missing shipment was not found.
   * We removed the messages shown in 'alert' for a better looking popup.
   * Minimum version of PHP 7.1.3 to work.
4.1.1 (01/28/2022)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-922: The module does not show some customer fields in the module form.
  - #OPC-917: Email not autocomplete in checkout form after login in Firefox.
  - #OPC-912: Error in the validation of the Italian DNI.
  - #OPC-911: It does not show the button to save information in the checkout registration form.
  - #OPC-908: The module does not correctly look up customer addresses.
  - #OPC-821: Visual error when updating a payment method in settings.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-918: Custom Fields - v2.2.0 - FMM Modules.
  - #OPC-909: psgdpr - v1.2.1 - PrestaShop.
  - #OPC-905: CarrierPickupStore - v4.0.2 - PresTeamShop: It is not possible to update personal information.
  - #OPC-904: Cash on Delivery with Fee - v1.5.0 -
  - #OPC-903: checkvat - v1.7.11 - MassonVincent.
  - #OPC-902: idxrdefender - v1.3.2 - innovadeluxe.
- New Checkout:
  - #OPC-853:
   * First release of the new checkout v5.0.
4.0.19 (09/24/2021)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-899: Compatibility bug with CartRule class override in PrestaShop
4.0.18 (09/07/2021)
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-732: myOwnDeliveries - v4.2.1 - de laBulle.
4.0.17 (08/27/2021)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-887: It is not possible to complete the purchase by message 'You must finish adding or editing your address to complete the purchase.'
  - #OPC-874: Indicates that there are no carriers available to unregistered customers when there are.
  - #OPC-872: Error leaving the default value at 0 for the Country field.
  - #OPC-866: Error in the validation of the DNI when activating the option 'Validate identification of Spain, Chile and Italy'.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-891: ps_checkout - v2.15.4 - PrestaShop (Visual improvement)
  - #OPC-870: ps_checkout - v2.12.0 - PrestaShop: The purchase button disappears.
  - #OPC-880: Shipping Configurator Pro - v4.0.4 - PresTeamShop: Autocomplete of cities does not work after updating the module.
  - #OPC-875: Shipping fees based on zipcodes - v1.4.6 - MARICHAL Emmanuel.
  - #OPC-867: Bank Transfer with Discount - v1.1.6 - NeoGest.
  - #OPC-868: Customer Type OPC - v3.0.0 - PresTeamShop: Does not show the customer type selectable in the registration form
  - #OPC-862: Customer Type OPC - v3.0.0 - PresTeamShop: Compatibility error with versions equal to or less than 3.0.0.
  - #OPC-774: Equivalence Surcharge - v2.6.2 - by innovadeluxe: Does not activate / deactivate the surcharge when saving the information.
  - #OPC-752: postfinancecheckout - v1.1.20 - Customweb GmbH
4.0.16 (06/11/2021)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-858: It does not allow to buy after modifying the quantity of a product.
4.0.15 (04/28/2021)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-830: The module does not require a value for the Description of a custom field in the default language.
  - #OPC-825: BO: The module does not remove the image from the payment methods.
  - #OPC-818: BO: Error displaying payment method image.
  - #OPC-814: Error in the validation of the postal code when the country does not require it.
  - #OPC-811: Visual error in cart summary on mobile devices.
  - #OPC-810: Error trying to change client password.
  - #OPC-806: BO: Does not show custom fields in customer/address form in versions higher than 1.7.6.
  - #OPC-801: Error trying to add an address from the address section.
  - #OPC-797: The CreateAccountForm hook is not shown when logged in.
  - #OPC-789: Option 'Use postal code autocomplete from' does not autocomplete city when selecting postal code.
  - #OPC-780: Error having Google autocomplete active and all address fields disabled.
  - #OPC-276: Misaligned field descriptions and titles in RTL languages.
- New feature and improvement:
  - #OPC-819: The module does not allow collapsing the discount box in the checkout summary.
  - #OPC-803: Validation of the DNI for Italy.
  - #OPC-778: Hide 'Save information' button for guest registration.
  - #OPC-232: Show message indicating that the process was successful when updating the password.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-815: vad_pc3d - v2.1.3 - Virtual Art Developers.
  - #OPC-805: ps_checkout - v2.12.0 - PrestaShop.
  - #OPC-793: Card payment REDSYS Virtual POS - v3.7.3 - idnovate: Do not show 'Additional fees for payment' message when the surcharge is 0.
  - #OPC-790: paypalplus - v1.7.27 - terracode.
  - #OPC-788: ps_googleanalytics - v4.0.0 - PrestaShop.
  - #OPC-787: Shipping Configurator Pro - v4.0.3 - presteamshop: Error with compatibility with option 'Show amount remaining to qualify for free shipping'
  - #OPC-784: It does not validate erroneous card data and does not allow to advance - ps_checkout.
  - #OPC-781: It does not allow the customer to complete the custom fields when making the purchase with Amazon Pay.
  - #OPC-777: Compatibility conflict with Redsys modules.
  - #OPC-768: Klarna Payments Official - v2.1.3 - Prestaworks AB.
  - #OPC-721: Custom Product Designer - v3.1.4 - de Prestaeg.
  - #OPC-706: European VAT number - v2.1.0 - PrestaShop.
4.0.14 (02/26/2021)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-762: It does not correctly display the content of the 'Label' field in the checkout when it contains HTML.
  - #OPC-754: In some cases it does not allow to continue the purchase to invited customers.
  - #OPC-750: Do not load carriers when changing country [IMPORTANT].
  - #OPC-749: Misaligned password fields in checkout form.
  - #OPC-563: Do not load the store with logged customers when desactivating the firstname and lastname fields.
- New feature and improvement:
  - #OPC-746: Keep the discount box open in the checkout summary.
  - #OPC-742: Button to refresh the data of the Statistics tab.
  - #OPC-557: Display the address information in the checkout according to the format of the country.
  - #OPC-331: Hide registration form in the order confirmation.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-760: IQITCROSSELING - products - v1.0.0 - IQIT-COMMERCE.COM: The module slider does not work in the checkout.
  - #OPC-753: Validate Customer - v1.6.1 - Madman.
  - #OPC-748: Card payment REDSYS Virtual POS -  v3.8.2 - idnovate.
  - #OPC-740: Redsys target payment - v17.2.0 -
  - #OPC-668: ps_checkout - v2.9.0 - PrestaShop
4.0.13 (02/09/2021)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-743: Visual error in the tab Payments > Payment methods in some stores.
  - #OPC-727: Displays a blank page on the payment page when accessing from a customer group that does not have permission to access the module.
  - #OPC-722: Google autocomplete only works for five of the active countries, it doesn't work for all.
  - #OPC-719: Error validating postal code format when it contains space.
  - #OPC-715: Module configuration does not finish loading.
  - #OPC-711: Visual error on the payment page on mobile devices.
  - #OPC-707: Error creating or editing address with PrestaShop API.
  - #OPC-702: It does not update the totals in the cart drop down when changing the carrier.
  - #OPC-692: It does not show available carriers when the state field is disabled.
  - #OPC-686: Replace the invoice address with the delivery address when creating the order without saving the information previously.
  - #OPC-684: Send the welcome email to the customer with a subject in English.
  - #OPC-678, #OPC-681: It does not add the cost of gift packaging when activating the 'Enable compatibility for shipping modules' option.
  - #OPC-675: Hides the invoice address form from visiting customers when set to required.
  - #OPC-673: It is possible to increase the quantity of the product even if it does not have stock.
  - #OPC-664: It does not allow accepting the privacy policies when creating an account as a guest.
  - #OPC-663: Error calculating shipping cost by city with the Shipping Configurator Pro and Carrier Pickup Store modules activated.
- New feature and improvement:
  - #OPC-690: Validation of the Spanish NIF for custom fields.
  - #OPC-680: Show the value of custom date fields according to the cart language format.
  - #OPC-734: Change option functionality 'Replace the registration form with the checkout form' to also replace the login form.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-730: Last Minute OPC - v4.0.0 - PresTeamShop: Delete message of offer applied when removing the product offered from the cart.
  - #OPC-729: Paycomet - v7.6.2 - by Paycomet.
  - #OPC-728: Hide the product prices and disallow purchases by categories, groups, and more - v1.0.6 - idnovate.
  - #OPC-717: Shipping Configurator Pro - v4.0.3 - PresTeamShop: It does not show cities when state field is not activated.
  - #OPC-708: Carrier Pickup Store - v4.0.2 - PresTeamShop: Error when the selected pickup store is hidden while the order is created.
  - #OPC-705: Customer Type OPC - v4.0.0 - presteamshop.
  - #OPC-703: Paczkomaty 24/7 - v1.4.0 -
  - #OPC-701: European VAT number - v1.4.2 - de MassonVincent.
  - #OPC-699: Recargo de Equivalencia - v2.5.3 - de innovadeluxe.
  - #OPC-695: Payment With Fee - v2.1.4 - ETS-Soft.
  - #OPC-693: Klarna Payments Official - v2.1.2 - Prestaworks AB.
  - #OPC-683: Carrier Pickup Store - v4.0.1 - PresTeamshop: Associate a different invoice address than the pick-up address in the order.
  - #OPC-672: Shipping Configurator Pro - v4.0.2 - PresTeamShop: Replace the shipping cost of the carrier by the configured text when it is free.
  - #OPC-669: ps_legalcompliance - v3.0.2 - PrestaShop.
  - #OPC-660: paypal - v5.1.5 - PrestaShop.
  - #OPC-659: ets_payment_with_fee - v2.0.8 - ETS-Soft.
  - #OPC-581: cgma - v1.6.8 -
  - #OPC-258: Shipping Configurator Pro - v4.0.3 - presteamshop: Integrate option 'Show amount remaining to qualify for free shipping'.
4.0.12 (10/07/2020)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-602: Problem cleaning empty addresses.
  - #OPC-598: Problem when finalizing purchase of virtual products.
  - #OPC-590: Error activating option 'Enable privacy policies'.
  - #OPC-585: Error creating customer: Invalid firstname and lastname.
  - #OPC-582: 'Use postal code autocomplete from' option does not work.
- Improvement:
  - #OPC-643: Improvement in the option 'Force display' of payment methods.
  - #OPC-612: Convert letters in the VAT number field to uppercase.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-635: awredsys - v17.1.1 -
  - #OPC-633: allinone_rewards - v4.1.7- Prestaplugins.
  - #OPC-617: creativeelements - v1.0.12 - WebshopWorks.
  - #OPC-605: Omise - v1.7.9 - by Omise.
  - #OPC-599: Gestpay - v1.3.1 - Easy Nolo SpA.
  - #OPC-597: amazonpay - v1.1.4 - patworx multimedia GmbH.
  - #OPC-595: kxpay - v1.0.2 de Nubeser.
  - #OPC-588: chilexpress_official - v1.0.4 - Chilexpress.
  - #OPC-576: vatnumbercleaner - v1.4.8 - MassonVicent.
  - #OPC-575: verifycustomer - v1.5.1 - Singleton software.
  - #OPC-545: Shipping Configurator Pro - v4.0.1 - PresTeamShop.
  - #OPC-283: ets_payment_with_fee - v2.0.8 - ETS-Soft.
4.0.11 (08/13/2020)
- Bug
  - #OPC-523: The cart summary does not finish loading when an incorrect ID is entered
  - #OPC-524: Does not show the delivery time of the product if the option 'Show delivery time of the product' is not enabled
  - #OPC-532: Does not enable the option 'Enable privacy policies' the first time even if the CMS has saved content
  - #OPC-518: The default group assigned from the backoffice to the client is not shown
  - #OPC-526: Error when requiring the DNI field and the client has not previously saved a value for the field
  - #OPC-468: Doesn't update status after selecting address from google
  - #OPC-570: After registering the customer, he is not logged in PrestaShop
  - #OPC-572: Error creating customer with dots in first and last name
- New feature and improvement
  - #OPC-537: Change validation format to phone and mobile fields
  - #OPC-542: Focus the email after opening the login modal
  - #OPC-539: Allow the '_' symbol in the name of custom fields
- Compatibilities
  - #OPC-555: shippingconfiguratorpro - v4.0.1 - PresTeamShop
  - #OPC-346: ngstandard - v1.5.0 - NeoGest
  - #OPC-469: hideprice - v1.1.0 - idnovates
  - #OPC-500: paylikepayment - v1.0.6 - DerikonDevelopment
  - #OPC-522: creativeelements - v0.11.8 from WebshopWorks
  - #OPC-530: klarnapaymentsofficial - v2.1.0 - Prestaworks AB
  - #OPC-531: idxrecargoe - v2.6.2 - innovadeluxe
  - #OPC-546: pts_stripe - v4.0.3 - PresTeamShop
  - #OPC-551: carrierpickupstore - presteamshop v4.0.0
  - #OPC-541: codwfeeplus - v1.1.8 - Sakis Gkiokas
  - #OPC-549: vatnumbercleaner - v1.4.6 - MassonVicent
  - #OPC-550: apbooking - v2.0.3 - Apollotheme
  - #OPC-565: kxpay - v1.0.2 - Nubeser
  - #OPC-569: verifycustomer - v1.5.1 - Singleton software
4.0.10 (06/24/2020)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-464: When having a module that requires registration, when displaying the form it does not load any field
  - #OPC-478: Error adding product with file type customization
  - #OPC-490: Does not add discount coupon to cart when name is clicked
  - #OPC-506: Shows free shipping for all carriers when the client is not logged in
  - #OPC-508: Does not correctly display the total money required to get free shipping
- Improvement:
  - #OPC-459: Full screen login popup with warehouse theme
  - #OPC-480: Limit the result of the Google API to active countries
- Compatibility:
  - #OPC-353: ps_checkout - v1.2.8 - PrestaShop
  - #OPC-431: rg_chilexpress - v2.4.4 - Rolige: Error validating the city
  - #OPC-463: eabi_postoffice - v0.16 - Matis Halmann
  - #OPC-466: bbcarrier - v2.5.1 - BigBuy
  - #OPC-467: iqitcrossselling - v1.0.0 - IQIT-COMMERCE.COM
  - #OPC-470: authipaycw - v3.0.157 - customweb ltd
  - #OPC-473: ogone - v4.0.6 - Ingenico ePayments
  - #OPC-476: klarnapaymentsofficial - v2.0.8 - Prestaworks AB
  - #OPC-479: conektapaymentsprestashop - v1.1.0 - Conekta
  - #OPC-489: Compatibility problem between the Last Minute OPC module and One Page Checkout PS
  - #OPC-496: checkvat - v1.7.0 - MassonVincent - PS17
  - #OPC-499: recaptcha - v1.2.4 - Charlie
  - #OPC-502: simplifycommerce V2.0.0
  - #OPC-510: rg_starken - v2.4.4 - Rolige
  - #OPC-514: shaim_cashondelivery - v1.8.8 - Dominik
  - #OPC-514: Winamic V1.0 Link Obfuscator
4.0.9 (04/01/2020)
- Bug:
   - #OPC-454: Wrong billing address on orders when the 'Request invoice address' option is disabled
   - #OPC-456: Does not reload carriers if you change countries when shipping compatibility is active
- Compatibility:
   - #OPC-452: Delete the cart from the header after updating the amounts in the cart summary
4.0.8 (03/19/2020)
   - # OPC-418: Prices misaligned in the cart summary.
   - # OPC-426: Display error in some stores
   - # OPC-427: Required Prestashop fields are removed when the module is inactive.
   - # OPC-430: Error 500 in the FrontOffice of the store when removing the client from the checkout
   - # OPC-433: Support for shipping methods does not work
   - # OPC-435: Validate if the email exists for logged in clients
- Compatibility:
   - # OPC-395: idxrecargoe - v2.5.5 - innovadeluxe
   - # OPC-415: Compatibility with module vatnumbercleaner 1.4.6
   - # OPC-420: rg_chilexpress - v2.4.4 - Rolige: Does not allow selecting a city
4.0.7 (02/14/2020)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-404: Forces registered customers to change password in the checkout form
4.0.6 (01/30/2020)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-307: Do not autofill password in Safari.
  - #OPC-280: Does not validate postal code when the country is deactivated.
  - #OPC-278: It does not validate zip code when enabling option 'Use postal code autocomplete from'.
  - #OPC-264: Error 500 when creating order invoice with custom fields.
  - #OPC-100: Error logging in with Biocryptology.
  - #OPC-356: It does not save customer data when saving the address form.
  - #OPC-82: Message from Biocryptology when you log out without logging in with this platform.
  - #OPC-333: Do not select province with Google Maps autocomplete when the country is not active.
  - #OPC-324: It does not allow you to activate multi-store acceptance options when the CMS does not have content in any of the stores.
  - #OPC-277: It does not show content of the terms and conditions in some stores.
  - #OPC-266: Create orders with incorrect totals with some payment methods.
  - #OPC-248: Requires a shipping address when all fields are disabled.
  - #OPC-243: Allows you to enter letters in the phone fields.
  - #OPC-174: Error managing custom field options in PHP 7+ versions.
  - #OPC-269: Display problems in RTL language.
  - #OPC-252: It does not calculate the total order correctly for certain store configurations in payment modules with surcharge.
  - #OPC: It does not show fields in the checkout form even if enabled in the module.
- Module Compatibility:
  - #OPC-279: idxvalidatinguser - v2.9.8 - innovadeluxe.
  - #OPC-250: vp_smartpost - v3.3.2 -
  - #OPC-358: swish_handel - v1.9.12 - motionSeed.
  - #OPC-337: lgfreeshippingzones - v1.3.4 - Línea Gráfica.
  - #OPC-335: minimumpurchasebycg - v1.7.0 - ZIZ Tech.
  - #OPC-309: freeshippingamountdisplay - v1.2.0 - Innercode.
  - #OPC-309: prestatotalsaving - v7.0.0 - presta_world.
  - #OPC-300: codfee - v3.3.4 - idnovate.
  - #OPC-267: klarnapaymentsofficial - v2.0.5 - Prestaworks AB.
  - #OPC-251: vpmodules - v1.2.3 -
  - #OPC-114: paypalwithfee - v4.2.1 - 4weebs.
  - #OPC-378: deliverytime - v3.0.1 - Innercode.
  - #OPC-344: mondialrelay - v3.0.1 - 202 ecommerce.
  - #OPC-302: megaproduct - AlabazWeb.
  - #OPC-256: mrshopcashondelivery - v1.0.9 - Mr. APPs.
- New Feature:
  - #OPC-322: Allows you to add Company in customer data.
  - #OPC-253: 'Force display' option for payment methods.
- Improvement:
  - #OPC-1, #OPC-303: Responsive improvements.
  - #OPC-367: Option to preselect check box to create customer account.
  - #OPC-366: Option to allow changing the client password.
  - #OPC-321: Validate Ecuadorian RUC and Chilean RUT.
4.0.5 (09/11/2019)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-234: Error loading cart summary in versions less than 1.7.4.X.
  - #OPC-231: Validate the password fields without checking the corresponding checkbox.
  - #OPC-236: In some templates the images of payment methods and carriers are misaligned.
  - #OPC-237: It does not delete all empty addresses.
- Module Compatibility:
  - #OPC-239: The module does not update the order total correctly - stripe_official - v2.0.4 - 202 ecommerce.
- New Feature:
  - #OPC-187: Information icon for 'Option to auto-generate' option.
  - #OPC-175: Information icon for 'Show availability' option.
4.0.4 (08/30/2019)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-154: It allows updating the module version when there are overrides.
  - #OPC-157: Create empty addresses when registering with social networks when the option 'Show the delivery address for the purchase of virtual products' is active.
  - #OPC-116: Allows you to select a carrier with the option 'Enable compatibility for shipping modules' active, and required and empty city and zip code fields.
  - #OPC-167: Does not associate the pre-selected invoice address to the order.
  - #OPC-208: When there are active social networks, it is not possible to buy by registering as a guest.
  - #OPC-206: Change the customer groups logged in when making a purchase.
  - #OPC-213: Allows you to activate acceptance options when the CMS has no content in any language.
  - #OPC-210: With the option 'Show customer group list', the module does not assign the customer or guest group when registering.
  - #OPC-215: Incorrect password message without selecting 'I want to change my password'.
  - #OPC-174: Error managing custom fields.
  - #OPC-93: Log out when changing the client password.
- Module Compatibility:
  - #OPC-217: pakkelabels_shipping - v1.3.0 -
- New Feature:
  - #OPC-148: 'Require before buying' option to display privacy policies in the summary.
- Improvement:
  - #OPC-171: Information icon for 'Show list of cities using' option.
  - #OPC-187: Information icon for 'Option to auto-generate' option.
  - #OPC-175: Information icon for 'Show availability' option.
4.0.3 (08/22/2019)
[-] FIX: When creating the order, always place the customer's first address without taking into account those selected at checkout.
[-] FIX: The pre-selected billing address after marking that you want another billing address was not taken into account and the order was created with the same shipping address.
4.0.2 (08/09/2019)
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con módulo idxvalidatinguser - v2.9.6 de innovadeluxe.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con módulo estimateshippingcost - V4.0.0 de PresTeamShop para mostrar los días de entrega estimados para cada transportista.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con módulo boxtalconnect - v1.0.5 - de Boxtal.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con módulo orderfees - V1.8.51 de motionSeed.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con módulo zipmoneypayment - V1.0.1 de Zip.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con módulo ppoperties - v.3.0.3 de psandmore.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con módulo tobewebto Fattura Elettronica - V1.0.6 de 2beweb2.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con módulo cashondeliveryfeeplus - v4.5.4 - Prestalia.
[+] ADD: Ahora es posible ver los campos personalizados de Direcciones en la factura y el correo electrónico.
[+] ADD: Funcionalidad para cambiar la contraseña del cliente.
[+] ADD: Mostrar botón 'Volver mi cuenta' en la sección de direcciones e información personal.
[+] ADD: Mostrar advertencia cuando los CMS de las opciones 'Requerir aceptar términos y condiciones antes de la compra' y 'Requerir aceptar políticas de privacidad antes de la compra' no tienen contenido guardado.
[+] ADD: Pestaña para visualizar estadísticas de conexiones por redes sociales
[+] ADD: Nueva opción para activar o desactivar las redes sociales sin necesidad de tener que borrar las credenciales.
[+] ADD: Los enlaces de la opción 'Requerir aceptar términos y condiciones antes de la compra' ahora se muestran en una ventana modal.
[+] ADD: Modo prueba para los métodos de pago, con el fin de probarlos antes de mostrarlos a los clientes.
[*] MOD: Al hacer iniciar sesión con Biocryptology va a volver a solicitar el código QR para hacer login.
[*] MOD: Mejora de diseño al mostrar el dinero faltante para el envío gratis.
[*] MOD: Al activar el guest checkout va a mantener marcado para que se haga una compra siempre como registrado.
[*] MOD: Modificado el ícono de facebook de redes sociales.
[*] MOD: Mostrar siempre la caja de descuento y el total de productos y descuentos en el resumen del checkout.
[*] MOD: Es eliminada opción 'vacía' de la lista de grupos de cliente mostrada en el checkout.
[-] FIX: Problema cuando se tiene activa la opción 'Insertar automáticamente el código ISO del país en los dos primeros caracteres de la identificación' y el campo DNI no está activo.
[-] FIX: Problema de compatibilidad con el módulo 'Ei Captcha - v.2.0.4 - hennes'. No valida el captcha cuando la opción Mostrar el botón 'Guardar información' está desactivada.
[-] FIX: Cuando se tiene activa la opción de 'Insertar automáticamente el código ISO del país en los dos primeros caracteres de la identificación' para la dirección de entrega y/o facturación, si no se elige un país, da un error 500.
[-] FIX: Cuando se habilita la opción 'Validar identificación de España y Chile' junto con la opción 'Insertar automáticamente el código ISO del país en los dos primeros caracteres de la identificación' para la dirección de entrega y/o facturación, invalida la identificación.
[-] FIX: Validar en el BackOffice si el empleado está logueado para evitar Hacking.
[-] FIX: En las multitiendas, cuando se trabajando en 'Todas las tiendas' y se modifican las opciones 'activo' y 'requerido' para los campos del registro, no guarda los nuevos valores.
[-] FIX: Validación para que el número de caracteres que se pueden ingresar en un campo de texto no sea mayor al tamaño de éste.
[-] FIX: Cuando el cliente volvía atrás desde el navegador se guardaba la dirección del cliente con puntos.
[-] FIX: Cuando se editan los datos del Cliente, éstos no se cambian en el título al lado de Bienvenido.
[-] FIX: Error 500 al editar la información del cliente.
[-] FIX: Problema de diseño: métodos de pago no alineados.
[-] FIX: Cuando se presiona el botón 'Recargar' en la sección de transportistas no mostraba las provincias del país seleccionado.
4.0.1 (04/27/2019)
[-] FIX: [Important] Fixed problem when making compatibility with iOS 12 and Redsysoficial.
[+] ADD: [Important] Validations are added in the module to avoid spam in the customer record.
[-] FIX: When activating the option 'Show customer group list', when the customer proceeds to buy a virtual product and does not choose a group, it gave error and did not allow to continue with the purchase.
4.0.0 (04/23/2019)
[+] ADD: Compatibility: iqitthemeeditor - V4.2.1 of IQIT-COMMERCE.COM.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module paypalplus - V1.7.13 of terracode.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module orderfees_payment -V1.8.14 of motionSeed.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with Ei Captcha module - v.2.0.3 - hhennes.
[+] ADD: Compatibility rg_correoschile (Correos chile) - Rolige - V2.0.0.
[+] ADD: Certain translations are added to the Ukrainian.
[*] MOD: Update of the CS language.
[-] FIX: [Important] It was not possible to finalize the mobile order with iOS 12 and Redsysoficial.
[-] FIX: Validation is added so that the number of characters that can be entered in a text field is not greater than its size.
[-] FIX: In some stores the login with Google does not work due to the template.
[-] FIX: Error compatibility with module 'MegaProduct' v17.0.1.1 -
[-] FIX: Display problem in mobile devices.
[-] FIX: Solution to module compatibility: rg_chilexpress - v2.1.0.
[-] FIX: Module compatibility problem: quantitydiscountpro.
[-] FIX: Reloaded the page instead of finalizing or confirming the payment, when you are not yet a customer.
[-] FIX: Error when the option 'Show delivery time of the product' is active and a delivery time was not set to 500 because the variable was undefined.
[-] FIX: Fixed incompatibility problem with module: VATNumberCleaner - v1.3.8 - MassonVincent.
[-] FIX: When creating a custom field type 'checkbox' as required, it did not require its selection.
3.0.0 (02/21/2019)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with our new version of the module: Customer Type OPC - v3.0.0.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with carrier module: Seur - v2.0.3 - Linea Grafica.
[+] ADD: Support module: ValidateVatNumber - v2.1.7 - ActiveDesign.
[+] ADD: Support module: QuantityDiscountPro - v2.1.27 - IdNovate.
[+] ADD: The hook call is added: actionSubmitCustomerAddressForm.
[*] MOD: The texts of the delivery time of the products that is shown in the cart summary are improved.
[*] MOD: Update of the RO language.
[*] MOD: In some payment methods that have an 'action' of 'javascript' now makes an 'eval' instead of a 'submit'.
[*] MOD: Now the connections are accumulated by social networks to later have connection statistics.
[-] FIX: Fixed compatibility with module envialiacarrier - v1.0.0 - miguel.cejas.
[-] FIX: Module compatibility is corrected: Attribute Wizard Pro - v2.0.4 - Presto-Changeo.
[-] FIX: It did not show the 'continue and buy now' popup when scrolling.
[-] FIX: The compatibility of 'paypalplus' interfered with another module called equal.
[-] FIX: The option 'Automatically insert the country ISO code at the beginning of the DNI in the delivery/invoice address' does not work.
[-] FIX: Problem with the option 'Show product delivery time' of the Cart summary in PrestaShop 1.7.5.
[-] FIX: If the option 'Confirm the shipping address before checking out' is activated and from the FrontOffice the customer closes the modal confirmation window, it does not allow the client to continue with the purchase.
[-] FIX: Compatibility problem with Sisow Betaalmethode module - v5.2.0 - from Sisow, it did not allow clients to register.
1.2.4 (12/27/2018)
[-] FIX: IMPORTANT - It did not allow to finalize the purchase.
1.2.3 (12/26/2018)
[+] ADD: Registration and login through Biocryptology.
[+] ADD: Link is added to configure the CRON task to eliminate the empty addresses created by the module.
[+] ADD: Option to support those shipping methods that do not work within our checkout.
[*] MOD: Now it possible to do overwrite the templates.
[*] MOD: Limit the purchase of more available stock that has the product.
[-] FIX: Error when loading shipping carrier if a shipping carrier module was installed.
[-] FIX: If there was a cart with products without stock, there was an infinite redirection in the checkout.
[-] FIX: If the purchase by guest was not active and deactivated the force to initiate session to registered client, of likewise it threw error of registered account and it did not let continue the purchase.
[-] FIX: Having active autocompletar of google and select a suggested address of a country not available, the state of the address that it had, was not selected.
[-] FIX: When the email fields did not match, a message was shown in English and not in Spanish.
[-] FIX: Error is corrected that does not allow entering the symbol '/' in the addresses.
1.2.2 (11/30/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the module: StripePro - v5.3.3 - NTS.
[+] ADD: Compatibility temporal with module: EnvialiaCarrier - v1.0.0 - miguel.cejas.
[+] ADD: Confirmation is added before an attempt to delete an address.
[+] ADD: Now when creating a custom field, the name of the field is automatically formatted: No spaces, accents, symbols.
[+] ADD: Button is added to select a delivery or invoice address, which will facilitate the customer actions.
[+] ADD: Burmese language is added.
[*] MOD: Validation to not delete an invoice address that is also set as the delivery address due to an error.
[*] MOD: The same button design of the social network 'Google' is placed in the modal window of login.
[*] MOD: If a field becomes required and it is not full at a customer address, now it is no longer forced to fill unless an attempt is made to checkout.
[-] FIX: When creating a custom field with options, they were duplicated by clicking several times when saving.
[-] FIX: Solution to module compatibility: CodFee - v3.2.9 - IdNovate.
[-] FIX: It showed accepting privacy policies while logged in.
1.2.1 (11/17/2018)
[+] ADD: Integration with module: Customer Type OPC - PresTeamShop.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the module codpro v1.9.0.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the module eupago_payshop v1.7.0 - euPago.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the module eupago_multibanco v1.7.0 - euPago.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the module mondialrelay v2.3.3 - PrestaShop.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the module idxcodfees - v4.1.0 - innovaDeluxe.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the module cashondeliverywithfee - v7.2.6 - from zIO_o.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the module pm_crosssellingoncart - v2.4.3 - Presta-Module.
[+] ADD: Option to request the login if the client is already registered.
[+] ADD: Option to replace the native registration form with the checkout form.
[+] ADD: Option to show the checkout registration form in the My Account section - My addresses.
[+] ADD: Option to show the checkout registration form in the My account section - My personal information.
[+] ADD: Option to choose carrier by default.
[+] ADD: Icon is added when the address is selected in the FrontOffice.
[+] ADD: Option to place the address suggested by google maps in the address field or leave the written by the client.
[+] ADD: Option is added to automatically insert the ISO code of the country in the first two characters of the identification.
[+] ADD: Validation when creating custom field options without description in the default language.
[*] MOD: Google login button modified according to google's identity guide.
[*] MOD: Now it is possible to edit only addresses or only the information of the client logged with the forms of the checkout, without mixing the client's information and address in the same form.
[*] MOD: It does not allow changing the positions of the fields of the record between 'client', 'sending' or 'invoicing'.
[*] MOD: The translation of 'show total of products' is changed to 'show subtotal of products'.
[*] MOD: The required 'Postal Code' is based on the configuration of the fields of the record and not on what is set in each country.
[*] MOD: The session is hidden when logged in as Guest.
[-] FIX: Compatibility with the module stripe official 1.5.2 of 202 ecommerce is fixed.
[-] FIX: Fixed bug when displaying the text of the products in and without stock.
[-] FIX: Fixed bug with new option to show deadline, did not calculate the deadline when the amount of product in the cart exceeded the stock.
[-] FIX: Error is solved with customized products, which generated the appearance of html code in the summary.
[-] FIX: Compatibility with module stripejs v3.5.5 - by NTS. Duplicate orders BUY NOW button is disabled as with stripe_official.
[-] FIX: Hide privacy policy checkbox when you save information as a guest.
[-] FIX: The value of the custom fields is loaded by clicking on save information or watering the page, since they were not being maintained and it was not possible to place an order by having those fields as required.
[-] FIX: When saving an address that has postal code and city and then remove these fields in the backoffice, for registered users the new addresses were left with the city and postal code of the last saved address.
[-] FIX: In the Editor tab, it was not possible to save html content in the js override.
[-] FIX: Solution to javascript error that comes out in the backoffice when loading the CHANGELOG.
[-] FIX: The option to hide the order comment text box did not work.
[-] FIX: Changing the text colors of the selected blocks did not work.
[-] FIX: Error showing the checkout form instead of the native one.
[-] FIX: It does not load the payment methods and summary when trying to buy virtual products. Only in some cases it happened.
[-] FIX: When creating a billing address while logged in as a guest, this was not associated with the guest, but with the OPC.
[-] FIX: It did not allow to be created as a customer once you were logged in as a guest.
1.1.9 (09/25/2018)
[-] FIX: The link was not removed when activating the Remove the link from the products option.
[-] FIX: Option Show compatibility summary does not work.
[-] FIX: Stripe JS compatibility problem solved.
[-] FIX: When the customer deletes an address, it was removed from the database even if it is in use. Now only the address is marked as deleted in the database.
[-] FIX: It is corrected and it adds compatibility with the stripe_official module v1.5.2 - by 202. When paying, it did not disable the button nor show a stripe process, allowing more clicks on the payment button, generating duplicate orders.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the Maximum product quantity per customer module from
[+] ADD: Added option to show the delivery time of the product according to the configuration of the product.
1.1.8 (09/08/2018)
[+] ADD: Option to redirect directly to the checkout without going through the summary of the cart.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the module Braintree, v3.1.1 - Bellini Services.
[+] ADD: Add hook additionalCustomerFormFields.
[+] ADD: Sort the addresses by descending creation date.
[*] MOD: When the customer edits an address that is not selected, it does not reload shipping and payment methods.
[-] FIX: Cookies are removed from the option (I want to configure another address for my invoice), since it caused problems when making a second order.
[-] FIX: The addresses are displayed correctly when the form does not have a postal code or city.
[-] FIX: It causes error by invalid address1, when an address is pasted with invalid special characters.
[-] FIX: The custom fields were cleaned by clicking on 'edit' and 'back' of the address cards.
[-] FIX: When changing the payment method more than three times, the previous one was selected and the payment method was not changed.
[-] FIX: Does not show loading on mobile.
[-] FIX: When removing addresses from the OPC cards, they were also eliminated from the database and caused an error in the orders with those assigned addresses.
[-] FIX: Update compatibility with paypal, v7.4.2.0 - AlabazWeb Pro.
[-] FIX: Fixed bug, when a guest client is going to pay and is returned to the checkout requires acceptance of privacy policies but checkbox is not shown.
1.1.7 (07/28/2018)
[-] FIX: Trying to save addresses from Front or Back generated an error.
[-] FIX: Now shows the order messages in the summary when they have previously saved information.
1.1.6 (07/26/2018)
[-] FIX: Problem with points in the address when you login from the native prestashop and an order is created.
[-] FIX: It does not allow to select a billing address.
[-] FIX: Problem when buying virtual products without having the invoice and delivery addresses active.
[-] FIX: Having the country field disabled and using google auto-completion, the state was not selected.
[-] FIX: The option to confirm delivery address was not working.
1.1.5 (07/18/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with 'MegaProduct' module v17.0.1.1 -
[*] MOD: Visual improvement in the loading of the steps, now shows a single loading.
[*] MOD: Addresses created by the OPC are no longer re-used to avoid possible information crossing problems.
[-] FIX: Fixed compatibility problem with the calculation of the fee of the 'codfee' module.
[-] FIX: Problem when processing orders with total: 0.
[-] FIX: Redirection is removed at checkout when the cart is entered.
[-] FIX: Creating the first billing address, it was a problem because it left the shipping address as billing.
1.1.4 (06/21/2018)
[*] MOD: Change handling of overrides.
1.1.3 (06/19/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'VatNumberCleaner' v1.2.8 - MassoVincent.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'M4GDPR' v1.2.1 - PrestaAddons.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the 'Quantity Discount Pro' module.
[*] MOD: Now you can distinguish between the invoice and delivery addresses at the checkout.
[*] MOD: Improved compatibility with the Carrier Pickup Store module.
[*] MOD: Minor visual changes and compatibilities with other templates are applied.
[*] MOD: It only shows accepting privacy policies if you are not logged in or are a guest.
[-] FIX: A problem is solved when the client did not have addresses.
[-] FIX: Fixed bug showed the required province message in English always.
[-] FIX: Fixed bug when additional fields were required did not let save the delivery address.
[-] FIX: It solves container problem in the address search, it did not let add new address in mobile.
[-] FIX: Fixed bug duplicated the show the hook create account top.
1.1.1 (05/25/2018)
[+] ADD: COMPATIBILITY WITH MODULE: Official GDPR compliance v1.0.0 - PrestaShop.
[+] ADD: Allows you to add a label under each register field to give more information if necessary.
[+] ADD: After removing all the products from the cart, the page is refreshed to show the empty cart message.
[*] MOD: Optimization of address management.
[*] MOD: Improvements and changes of version 1.6 are applied.
[*] MOD: Displays the customized availabilities of the products in the cart summary.
[*] MOD: Translation into Dutch is updated.
[-] FIX: After hiding the images and descriptions of the transports, the transport price was not shown.
[-] FIX: It does not change the color of the selected transport, always being the default one.
[-] FIX: Transports not corresponding to the country and state self-selected were shown. It only happened with visitors.
[-] FIX: Problem to change the colors of cards selected addresses.
[-] FIX: The guest checkout option could not be changed from the configuration.
1.0.8 (03/22/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the payment module PaypalBrainTree (v1.0.1 - WebDevOverture).
[+] ADD: Implementation of PrestaTrust.
[-] FIX: The arrow in the droplist was not shown.
1.0.7 (03/17/2018)
[-] FIX: Compatibility with PrestaShop 1.7.3. Always placed the default carrier independent of what the customer would have selected.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the payment module PaypalWithFee (v4.0.10 -
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the payment module Stripe Official (v1.5.2 - 202 ecommerce).
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the payment module ReembolsoCargo (v4.0.1 -
[-] FIX: It did not show the wrapping line in the cart summary.
[-] FIX: With the active option to show the cart first and click on 'save information' it returned the customer to the cart instead of keeping it in the checkout.
1.0.5 (01/18/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module Attribute Wizar Pro.
[-] FIX: When deactivating the hook shopping cart, the modules of that hook in cart summary were still shown.
[-] FIX: Always showed the cart first before checkout.
[-] FIX: Refreshing the payments hid the content of the selected payment.
[-] FIX: Problem detected with the payment method compatibility Stripe Official.
[-] FIX: It showed the required privacy policy in the registry and it was not shown. It only happens when using our checkout register instead of the prestashop native.
[-] FIX: Activating the minimum purchase amount gave problem with the redirection at checkout.
1.0.4 (12/01/2017)
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo de pago MegaReembolso (v2.9.2 - AlabazWeb Pro).
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo de pago Paypal (v7.4.2.0 - AlabazWeb Pro).
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo de pago Stripe Official (v1.5.1 - 202 ecommerce).
[-] FIX: Cuando se tiene solo un metodo de pago y este hace peticiones post, no funcionaba.
1.0.3 (11/27/2017)
V1.0.3 (23/11/2017)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo de pago BraintreeJS (v3.0.5 - Bellini Services).
[+] ADD: Validacion online del RUT chileno.
[*] MOD: La aceptacion el aceptar las politicas de privacidad junto con los terminos y condiciones para hacer compatible nuestro modulo con las leyes de varios paises.
[*] MOD: Se actualizan idiomas.
[-] FIX: Optimizacion del manejo de direcciones.
[-] FIX: Problema al calcular el valor restante para el envio gratuito en diferentes divisas.
1.0.2 (11/06/2017)
V1.0.2 (06/11/2017)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo de pago Paypal con opcion Braintree.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo de pago CashOnDeliveryPlus con Recargo (v2.9.5 -
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo de transporte Packetery (v2.0.2 - ZLab Solutions).
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo Customers Activation.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo Rg_Chilexpress (v.1.4.0 - Rolige).
[+] ADD: Ahora es posible reemplazar el registro nativo por el del modulo.
[-] FIX: Al hacer clic en la imagen del transporte o la descripcion, no seleccionaba dicho transporte.
[-] FIX: Si no mostraba transportes se mostraba en el resumen gastos de envio.
1.0.0 (08/31/2017)

- Nueva version para PrestaShop 1.7
2.8.7 (12/12/2022)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-T40: Redirection error when trying to pay with Paypal.
  - #OPC-T40: Payment methods do not load when installing the latest version of the module: Official Stripe.
2.8.6 (12/07/2022)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-T36: Allow enable/disable the state and postal code fields of the forms.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-T14: PayPlug - v3.7.1 - PayPlug.
  - #OPC-T32: wkpaymentfee - v3.0.0 - Webkul.
- Bug:
  - #OPC-I5: Compatibility: Platba kartou (ComGate) - v2.0.0 - por Dominik Shaim: It is not possible to place orders.
  - #OPC-I11: Compatibility: gelproximity - v1.1.4 - Error when opening the popup with the collection points.
2.8.5 (02/03/2022)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-923: The module does not show some customer fields in the module form.
  - #OPC-917: Email not autocomplete in checkout form after login in Firefox.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-919: psrecaptcha - v1.1.3 - PrestaShop.
2.8.4 (09/24/2021)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-897: The module replaces customer names with dots in the address when creating an order as a guest.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-896: ps_checkout - v2.15.4 - PrestaShop (With force display).
  - #OPC-895: PayPal Standard - v2.1.5 - TechDesign.
2.8.3 (08/27/2021)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-871: Error in checkout page when the default value at 0 for the Country field.
  - #OPC-865: Error in the validation of the DNI when activating the option 'Validate identification of Spain, Chile and Italy'.
  - #OPC-837: It does not change the obligatory nature of the postal code field according to the selected country.
  - #OPC-834: It does not load the order summary when the Amazon Pay session is active.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-884: Incompatibility with new versions of the Nacex module.
  - #OPC-869: Customer Type OPC - v2.1.0 - PresTeamShop.
  - #OPC-846: awocoupon - v3.6.0.2 - Seyi Awofadeju.
  - #OPC-843: It does not display the configured color of the AmazonPay button.
2.8.2 (04/28/2021)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-831: The module does not require a value for the Description of a custom field in the default language.
  - #OPC-822: The module does not remove the image from the payment methods.
  - #OPC-809: Error trying to change client password.
  - #OPC-807: Error in the validation of the postal code when the country does not require it.
  - #OPC-798: The CreateAccountForm hook is not shown when logged in.
  - #OPC-779: Error having Google autocomplete active and all address fields disabled.
- New feature and improvement:
  - #OPC-816: Show message indicating that the process was successful when updating the password.
  - #OPC-804: Validation of the DNI for Italy.
  - #OPC-791: Hide 'Save information' button for guest registration.
  - #OPC-747: Keep the discount box open in the checkout summary.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-829: Compatibility error with modules that add a surcharge to payment methods: It does not show the added surcharge in the cart summary.
  - #OPC-808: Customer Type OPC - PresTeamShop: Compatibility error with versions equal to or less than 2.1.0.
  - #OPC-795: awocoupon - v3.6.0.1 - Seyi Awofadeju.
  - #OPC-773: Validate Customer - v1.6.1 - Madman.
  - #OPC-769: Thirtybees: It is not possible to change the password.
  - #OPC-755: Shipping Configurator Pro - v2.0.7 - presteamshop: Integrate option 'Show amount remaining to qualify for free shipping'.
2.8.1 (03/01/2021)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-764: [IMPORTANT] Do not load transports when changing country.
  - #OPC-764: It does not allow to create orders when the country field is disabled
  - #OPC-751: Problem in FrontOffice when disabling all customer fields
  - #OPC-765: In some cases it does not allow to continue the purchase to invited customers
- Gets better:
  - #OPC-736: Show address information at checkout according to country format
  - #OPC-741: Button to refresh the data of the Statistics tab
2.8.0 (02/10/2021)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-738: When the customer increases the quantity of the product at checkout, the quantity of the wrong product is increased.
  - #OPC-723: Google autocomplete only works for five of the active countries, it doesn't work for all.
  - #OPC-719: Error validating postal code format when it contains space.
  - #OPC-709: Error creating or editing address with PrestaShop API.
  - #OPC-687: Replace the invoice address with the delivery address when creating the order without saving the information previously.
  - #OPC-679: It does not add the cost of gift packaging when activating the 'Enable compatibility for shipping modules' option.
  - #OPC-676: Hides the invoice address form from visiting customers when set to required.
  - #OPC-667: It does not allow accepting the privacy policies when creating an account as a guest.
  - #OPC-665: The 'force display' option of the payment methods does not work when the option 'Show cart summary before checkout' is activated.
- Improvement:
  - #OPC-725: Show the value of custom date fields according to the cart language format.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-733: Last Minute OPC - v4.0.0 - PresTeamShop: Delete message of offer applied when removing the product offered from the cart.
  - #OPC-718: Shipping Configurator Pro - v2.0.7 - PresTeamShop: It does not show cities when state field is not activated.
  - #OPC-704: Customer Type OPC - v2.1.1 - PresTeamShop.
2.7.9 (10/07/2020)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-631: Error activating option 'Enable privacy policies' in PrestaShop stores less than
  - #OPC-609: Does not show 'Your cart is empty' message when removing all products from the cart.
  - #OPC-607: Displays a message to confirm the address with the carrier of the selected Carrier Pickup Store module.
  - #OPC-601: 'Use postal code autocomplete from' option does not work.
  - #OPC-596: Error activating option 'Enable privacy policies'.
  - #OPC-589: Problem when finalizing purchase of virtual products.
  - #OPC-578: Error: create_function function deprecated in php 7.2.
  - #OPC-422: The checkout does not finish loading when closing modal window when a product runs out of stock.
- Improvement:
  - #OPC-644: Improvement in the option 'Force display' of payment methods.
  - #OPC-613: Convert letters in the VAT number field to uppercase.
- Compatibilities:
  - #OPC-632: amazonpay - v1.1.6 - patworx multimedia GmbH.
  - #OPC-627: Shipping Configurator Pro - v2.0.5 - PresTeamShop.
  - #OPC-604: Customer Type OPC - v2.1.0 - presteamshop.
  - #OPC-587: vatnumbercleaner - v1.5.0 - MassonVicent.
  - #OPC-586: kxpay - v1.0.2 de Nubeser.
2.7.8 (08/13/2020)
- Bug
  - #OPC-516: By having the CPS module test mode active, a new shipping address is being created with dots and empty
  - #OPC-535: Does not enable the option 'Enable privacy policies' the first time even if the CMS has saved content
  - #OPC-566: Error creating client with dots in first and last name in PS
  - #OPC-519: The default group assigned from the backoffice to the client is not shown
  - #OPC-533: Error when requiring the DNI field and the client has not previously saved a value for the field
  - #OPC-548: Problem with having the native form replacement active and the friendly URLs deactivated
  - #OPC-525: Error when paying with sagepay
- New feature and improvement
  - #OPC-538: Change validation format to phone and mobile fields
  - #OPC-543: Focus the email after opening the login modal
  - #OPC-540: Allow the '_' symbol in the name of custom fields
- Compatibilities
  - #OPC-552: carrierpickupstore - v2.0.3 - PresTeamShop
  - #OPC-564: kxpay - Nubeser v1.0.2
  - #OPC-528: amazonpay - v1.1.1 - patworx multimedia GmbH
2.7.7 (06/24/2020)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-465: Does not update status after selecting google address
  - #OPC-482: Clicking save information does not validate the privacy policy field
  - #OPC-501: OPC and LMO compatibility issue when accepting terms and conditions
- Module compatibility:
  - #OPC-316: kxpay - v1.0.2 de Nubeser
  - #OPC-462: kbgdpr - v1.0.6 - knowband
  - #OPC-474: dotpay - v2.4.3 -
  - #OPC-494: ps_checkout - v1.4.0 - PrestaShop
- Improvement:
  - # OPC-481: Limit the result of the Google API to active countries
2.7.6 (04/01/2020)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-457: Does not reload carriers if you change 
   countries when shipping compatibility is active
2.7.5 (03/23/2020)
  - #OPC-428: Required Prestashop fields are removed 
     when the module is inactive.
  - #OPC-432: Option 'Enable compatibility for shipping 
    modules' does not work.
  - #OPC-438: Error 500 in the FrontOffice of the store 
    when removing the client from the checkout.
  - #OPC-451: Validate if the email exists for logged in 
2.7.4 (02/14/2020)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-405: Forces registered customers to change password in the checkout form
2.7.3 (01/30/2020)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-82: Message from Biocryptology when you log out without logging in with this platform.
  - #OPC-249: Requires a shipping address when all fields are disabled.
  - #OPC-265: Error 500 when creating order invoice with custom fields.
  - #OPC-273: Error message when the customer changes language.
  - #OPC-275: Display problems in RTL language.
  - #OPC-281: Does not validate postal code when the country is disabled.
  - #OPC-284: The values of the customer-type custom fields are not shown in the order detail.
  - #OPC-292: Increase or decrease more than one unit by increasing or decreasing the quantity of a product.
  - #OPC-306: Do not autofill password in Safari.
  - #OPC-312: It does not validate zip code when enabling option 'Use postal code autocomplete from'.
  - #OPC-317: Add the value of the wrapping as a gift even if the option is not selected.
  - #OPC-323: Misaligned product image on internet explorer.
  - #OPC-325: It does not allow you to activate multi-store acceptance options when the CMS does not have content in any of the stores.
  - #OPC-332: Do not select province with Google Maps autocomplete when the country is not active.
  - #OPC-347: Allows you to enter letters in the phone fields.
  - #OPC-357: It does not save customer data when saving the address form.
- Module Compatibility:
  - #OPC-247: restrictpaymentmethods - v1.1.0 - FMM Modules.
  - #OPC-257: mrshopcashondelivery - v1.0.9 - Mr. APPs.
  - #OPC-263: cdtransactioncharge - v7.0.0 - CleanPresta.
  - #OPC-271: vatnumbercleaner - v1.4.0 onwards - MassonVincent.
  - #OPC-274: deliverytime - v3.0.1 - Innercode.
  - #OPC-290: orderfees_payment - v1.8.27 - motionSeed.
  - #OPC-313: payplug - V2.24.0 - PayPlug.
  - #OPC-345: selltickets - V3.2.1 - Avellana Digital SL.
  - #OPC-348: addtos - v1.2.1 - by
  - #OPC-354: correos - v3.1.7 - Ydral.
- New Feature:
  - #OPC-338: Allows you to add Company in customer data.
- Improvement:
  - #OPC-229: Option to allow changing the customer password.
  - #OPC-368: Option to preselect check box to create customer account.
  - #OPC-381: Responsive improvements.
2.7.2 (09/11/2019)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-230: Validate the password fields without checking the corresponding checkbox.
  - #OPC-233: It does not delete all empty addresses.
- Module Compatibility:
  - #OPC-240: The module does not update the order total correctly - stripe_official - v2.0.4 - 202 ecommerce.
2.7.1 (08/30/2019)
- Bug:
  - #OPC-153: It allows updating the module version when there are overrides.
  - #OPC-158: Create empty addresses when registering with social networks when the option 'Show the delivery address for the purchase of virtual products' is active.
  - #OPC-111: Allows you to select a carrier with the option 'Enable compatibility for shipping modules' active, and required and empty city and zip code fields.
  - #OPC-168: Does not associate the pre-selected invoice address to the order.
  - #OPC-119: Allows you to install the module in a version of PrestaShop 1.7.
  - #OPC-212: When there are active social networks, it is not possible to buy by registering as a guest.
  - #OPC-207: Change the customer groups logged in when making a purchase.
  - #OPC-184: It does not show 'Save information' button in 'My personal information' with the option 'Show Save Information button' disabled.
  - #OPC-197: Allows you to activate acceptance options when the CMS has no content in any language.
  - #OPC-211: With the option 'Show customer group list', the module does not assign the customer or guest group when registering.
  - #OPC-204: Incorrect password message without selecting 'I want to change my password'.
- Module Compatibility:
  - #R-358: stripejs - v4.0.2 - NTS.
  - #OPC: przelewy24 - v3.4.6 - Przelewy24.
  - #OPC-165: quantitydiscountpro - V2.1.28 - idnovate.
  - #OPC-115: vatnumber - v2.0.0 - PrestaShop.
- Improvement:
  - #OPC-155: Show information of custom fields in the order detail.
  - #OPC-162: Shows payment methods according to geolocation for unregistered customers.
  - #OPC-189: Information icon for option 'Option to auto-generate'.
  - #OPC-190: Information icon for option 'Show list of cities using'.
2.7.0 (08/13/2019)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with cashondelivery module - V1.5.2.1 of PrestaShop.
[+] ADD: Compatibility module estimateshippingcost - V2.0.5 of PresTeamShop to show the estimated delivery days for each carrier.
[+] ADD: Support for payment method paysera.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with PitchPrint module - v8.2 from Synergic Laboratories.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with darique module - V2.4.16 of Silbersaiten.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with 'Knowband Store Locator And Pickup'.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the paypalstandard module - V2.0.16 of WebDevOverture.
[+] ADD: Module compatibility: ProductComposer - v1.8.4 - TuniSoft.
[+] ADD: Functionality to change the client password.
[+] ADD: It is now possible to see the custom Address fields in the invoice and email.
[+] ADD: Tab to display statistics of connections through social networks.
[+] ADD: New option to activate or deactivate social networks without having to delete credentials.
[+] ADD: Show 'Return my account' button in the address and personal information section.
[+] ADD: Show warning when the CMS of the options 'Require acceptance of terms and conditions before purchase' and 'Require acceptance of privacy policies before purchase' have no content saved.
[+] ADD: New option to always require to accept privacy policies before buying.
[+] ADD: Test mode for payment methods.
[*] MOD: Language upgrade to Turkish.
[*] MOD: Always show the discount box and the total products and discounts in the checkout summary.
[*] MOD: Adding validations to 'isName' to avoid spam records of customers with URLs in their name.
[*] MOD: Change the social media facebook icon.
[*] MOD: Compatibility setting with new module version: recaptcha - v1.2.3 - Charlie.
[*] MOD: Validation so that the number of characters that can be entered in a text field does not exceed its size.
[*] MOD: Elimination of checkboxes that leave when activating carrier compatibility.
[-] FIX: When the option 'Automatically insert the country's ISO code in the first two characters of the identification' is activated for the delivery and / or billing address, if a country is not chosen, it gives an error 500 .
[-] FIX: When the option 'Validate identification of Spain and Chile' is enabled together with the option 'Automatically insert the country's ISO code in the first two characters of the identification' for the delivery and / or billing address, it invalidates the identification.
[-] FIX: In multi-stores, when working in 'All stores' and changing the 'active' and 'required' options for the registration fields, it does not save the new values.
[-] FIX: Validate in the BackOffice if the employee is logged in to avoid Hacking.
[-] FIX: Validation so that the number of characters that can be entered in a text field does not exceed its size.
[-] FIX: It showed popup with HTML error when invalid values ​​were entered in the address fields.
[-] FIX: Additional compatibility to the 'mail' module, because when changing the postal code, the office shown on the carriers was not refreshing correctly.
[-] FIX: Compatibility problem with the Amazon Pay module, button shown just above the summary products.
[-] FIX: Compatibility problem with the envoimoinscher module - V3.3.8 from Boxtal, did not show a pop-up window when a collection point is not selected.
[-] FIX: When editing Customer data, they are not changed in the title next to Welcome.
[-] FIX: Clicking several times when raising or lowering amounts caused a problem.
[-] FIX: In IE if the transport images are very wide, the texts were left untouched.
[-] FIX: When activating transport compatibility, accepting terms and conditions caused problems.
[-] FIX: When creating a custom field type 'checkbox' as required, it did not require your selection.
[-] FIX: When the client went back from the browser, the client's address was saved with points.
[-] FIX: Compatibility problem with the V1.3.1 recargoequivalence module of PrestaMarketing ™.
[-] FIX: When the 'Reload' button was pressed in the transporters section it did not show the provinces of the selected country.
2.6.8 (02/22/2019)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with our new version of the module: Customer Type OPC - v2.1.0.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with 'Cash on delivery plus' module - vv1.6.6 -
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'a4pwebpaymentspro' - v1.0.0 - Addons4Presta.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module: imaxpayin7 - v1.10 - Payin7.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module: ngpay me.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module: heidelpay.
[*] MOD: User guides are updated.
[*] MOD: Changes to the Catalan language (CA).
[*] MOD: Now the connections are accumulated by social networks to later have connection statistics.
[-] FIX: In the Register tab, you did not save the option to log in to a registered client.
[-] FIX: When you try to start session from a drop-down list and you have active the option 'Replace the registration form by the checkout' gave error.
[-] FIX: When the option 'Confirm the shipping address before checking out' is activated and the purchase is made, the button 'Buy now' is disabled but when the customer presses the 'Cancel' button of the modal window with the confirmation of the address, the button 'Buy now' is not disabled.
[-] FIX: Problem of multiple refresh in Safari when it was canceled or turned back when being in Paypal.
[-] FIX: Compatibility with the envoimoinscher module - v3.3.8 - Boxtal pair. Allowed to choose carriers that were disabled.
2.6.7 (01/06/2019)
[+] ADD: Registration and login through Biocryptology.
[+] ADD: Support module: pmpcrestrictions - v1.3.6 - PrestaSite.
[+] ADD: Link is added to configure the CRON task to eliminate the empty addresses created by the module.
[+] ADD: Option to support those shipping methods that do not work within our checkout.
[-] FIX: Error is corrected that does not allow entering the symbol '/' in the addresses.
[-] FIX: Fixed bug in the compatibility with the module Carrier international mails, when the cart is virtual and you have this module installed and active in the store, does not stop paying because of a javascript error.
[-] FIX: Solution to compatibility made to the module: ValidateVatNumber - v2.1.7 - ActiveDesign.
[-] FIX: Compatibility with template 'sportwear': When the option is active -Display the cart summary before checkout- never go to the checkout page, it always remains in the summary of the cart.
[-] FIX: Problem with module: paypalpro, when going to pay and give back to the browser.
[-] FIX: When the email fields did not match, a message was shown in English and not in Spanish.
[-] FIX: If the purchase by guest was not active and deactivated the force to initiate session to registered client, of likewise it threw error of registered account and it did not let continue the purchase.
[-] FIX: Problem with compatibility between module:correos and virtual products.
[-] FIX: When the modal of the M4 module GDPR Compliance Toolkit - v1.2.1 of PrestaAddons was shown and the cancel button was pressed, it left the 'Checkout' button disabled.
[-] FIX: Compatibility problem with the module - Amazon Pay - Login and Pay with Amazon - v2.2.6 - by patworx multimedia GmbH.
2.6.6 (11/30/2018)
[+] ADD: Support module: VatNumberCleaner - v1.2.8 - MassonVincent.
[+] ADD: Support module: ValidateVatNumber - v2.1.7 - ActiveDesign.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with PrestaShop versions and up.
[+] ADD: Confirmation is added before an attempt to delete an address.
[+] ADD: Now when creating a custom field, the name of the field is automatically formatted: No spaces, accents, symbols.
[+] ADD: Button is added to select a shipping or billing address, which will facilitate the client's actions.
[+] ADD: Burmese language is added.
[*] MOD: Validation to not delete a billing address that is also set as the shipping address due to an error.
[*] MOD: The same button design of the social network 'Google' is placed in the modal window of login.
[*] MOD: If a field becomes required and it is not full at a customer address, now it is no longer forced to fill unless an attempt is made to checkout.
[-] FIX: When creating a custom field with options, they were duplicated by clicking several times when saving.
[-] FIX: The GeoNames city list selector was duplicated.
[-] FIX: It showed erroneous quantities when having products with customized fields in the cart.
[-] FIX: Problem of javascript when activating the option to show the cart summary first before the checkout.
2.6.5 (11/17/2018)
[+] ADD: Integration with module: Customer Type OPC - PresTeamShop.
[+] ADD: Option to request the login if the client is already registered.
[+] ADD: Option to replace the native registration form with the checkout form.
2.6.3 (09/08/2018)
[+] ADD: Sort addresses by creation date descending.
[*] MOD: Hide the address confirmation popup when the customer selects 'mondialrelay' pick up point.
[-] FIX: When the customer edits an address that is not selected, it does not reload shipping and payment methods.
[-] FIX: When removing addresses from the OPC cards, they were also eliminated from the database and caused an error in the orders with those assigned addresses..
[-] FIX: Fixed bug, when a guest client is going to pay and is returned to the checkout requires acceptance of privacy policies but checkbox is not shown..
[-] FIX: Does not show loading on mobile.
[-] FIX: It causes error by invalid address1, when an address is pasted with invalid special characters.
[-] FIX: The product quantity field is disabled in the cart summary when it reaches the stock limit.
[-] FIX: Validation that hides the summary when the shipping methods have hidden warnings is modified.
[-] FIX: The addresses are displayed correctly when the form does not have a postal code or city.
[-] FIX: Now display the order messages in the summary when they have previously saved information.
2.6.2 (07/26/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the native Crosselling module of PrestaShop is added.
[*] MOD: Improvements in the user guide.
[-] FIX: Problem with points in the address when you login from the native prestashop and an order is created.
[-] FIX: Definitive solution to the problem with the loading of billing addresses.
[-] FIX: Does not allow you to select a billing address.
[-] FIX: Problem when buying virtual products without having the invoicing and shipping addresses active.
[-] FIX: Deactivated the country field and use google auto-completion, the state was not selected.
[-] FIX: The alert messages to select an address and confirm the delivery address presented conflicts.
2.6.1 (07/18/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with payment method 'psbraintreepayment'.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with the module: 'ArtFreeGDPR' - v1.0.7 - Art and Informatics.
[+] ADD: Module compatibility: postfinancecw - customweb ltd - v2.1.266
[*] MOD: Visual improvement in the loading of the steps, now shows a single loading.
[*] MOD: Addresses created by the OPC are no longer re-used to avoid possible information crossing problems.
[*] MOD: It does not load the customer's addresses or data when the payment popup is not displayed, thus avoiding possible redirection error due to the ajax request not being completed.
[-] FIX: Problem when activating the show cart before checkout.
[-] FIX: Creating the first billing address, it was a problem because it left the shipping address as billing.
2.6.0 (06/21/2018)
[*] MOD: Compatibility with module 'Carrier Pickup Store' is improved - PresTeamShop.
[*] MOD: Change handling of overrides.
2.5.9 (06/19/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'M4GDPR' v1.2.1 - PrestaAddons.
[*] MOD: Now you can distinguish between the invoice and delivery addresses at the checkout.
[*] MOD: It only shows accepting privacy policies if you are not logged in or are a guest.
[-] FIX: A problem is solved when the client did not have addresses.
2.5.8 (05/25/2018)
[+] ADD: COMPATIBILITY WITH MODULE: Official GDPR compliance v1.0.0 - PrestaShop.
[+] ADD: Allows you to add a label under each register field to give more information if necessary.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'MondialRelay'.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'SimplifyCommerce'.
[*] MOD: The login by 'Paypal' is updated according to new standards.
[-] FIX: In some payment methods at the end of the purchase the page was refreshed without any action.
[-] FIX: It allowed to create orders with obligatory fields without filling.
[-] FIX: Allows several increases or decreases in quantities.
[-] FIX: Transports not corresponding to the country and state self-selected were shown. It only happened with visitors.
[-] FIX: Problem to change the colors of cards selected addresses.
[-] FIX: Problem when completing payment with an invalid address being logged.
[-] FIX: Problem redirection to enable compatibility with the summary cart.
2.5.7 (05/23/2018)
[+] ADD: COMPATIBILITY WITH MODULE: Official GDPR compliance v1.0.0 - PrestaShop.
[+] ADD: Allows you to add a label under each register field to give more information if necessary.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'MondialRelay'.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'SimplifyCommerce'.
[*] MOD: The login by 'Paypal' is updated according to new standards.
[-] FIX: In some payment methods at the end of the purchase the page was refreshed without any action.
[-] FIX: It allowed to create orders with obligatory fields without filling.
[-] FIX: Allows several increases or decreases in quantities.
[-] FIX: Transports not corresponding to the country and state self-selected were shown. It only happened with visitors.
[-] FIX: Problem to change the colors of cards selected addresses.
[-] FIX: Problem when completing payment with an invalid address being logged.
[-] FIX: Problem redirection to enable compatibility with the summary cart.
2.5.6 (05/03/2018)
[-] FIX: In some payment methods at the end of the purchase the page was refreshed without any action.
[-] FIX: It allowed to create orders with obligatory fields without filling.
2.5.5 (04/05/2018)
[-] FIX: [IMPORTANT] Error when changing country in the shipping address without being logged in.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'Paypal' (Thirty Bees - v5.3.2).
[+] ADD: Option to contract and expand the translation sections.
[+] ADD: Option to search for addresses when the client has more than 4.
[+] ADD: Blank spaces are deleted at the beginning and end of text fields to avoid errors.
[+] ADD: Now when modifying a address that has an associated order, create a new one automatically so as not to modify the one used in the order.
[-] FIX: Solution to compatibility with the latest version of 'AmzPayments'.
[-] FIX: Problem with the handling of the billing address and virtual products.
[-] FIX: Enabling compatibility payment methods, it was not working properly.
[-] FIX: It did not show transports in the countries that the postal code was obligatory without a format put.
2.5.4 (03/19/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'Mobs' ( - v1.2.1).
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'PaymentRestrict' (presta_world - v7.0.0).
[*] MOD: Samples warning message if a country is not set or selected.
[*] MOD: The text type is changed to the email input by email type.
[-] FIX: Problem with the handling of the invoice address and virtual products.
2.5.3 (03/05/2018)
[-] FIX: IMPORTANT - In some cases empty addresses arrived in the orders.
[-] FIX: IMPORTANT - It allowed to make orders without choosing a transport.
[+] ADD: Compatibility with payment method 'reembolsocargo' (4webs - v3.2.2).
[*] MOD: Improved translation into German.
[-] FIX: Error sharing translations.
2.5.2 (02/27/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'PaymentCommision' (SeoSa - v1.3.4).
[+] ADD: Compatibility with carrier module 'rg_starten' (Rolige - v1.0.4).
[-] FIX: Sometimes the delivery address arrived empty.
[-] FIX: Problems translating in the Italian language.
[-] FIX: The autocomplete of google and geonames did not load.
[-] FIX: The 'save information' button could not be hidden.
[-] FIX: When trying to change quantities to products that only had one unit available, there was the loading in the cart summary.
2.5.1 (02/07/2018)
[+] ADD: Possibility to change the colors of the blocks of the addresses that are selected.
[+] ADD: Informative message when you are editing an address and it is set as shipping and billing.
[+] ADD: Informative message if you are editing an address and try to complete the purchase.
[*] MOD: Change of icons to expand and collapse the address block, because it was confusing to add address to the clients.
[-] FIX: It does not pre-load information of the temporary address to the visitors.
[-] FIX: Problem when using only the checkout registration form.
2.4.0 (01/29/2018)
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'PireosPay' ( v1.6.17).
[+] ADD: Compatibility with module 'Bestkit_PaymentFee' (best-kit v1.6.6).
[+] ADD: Compatibility with payment method 'vfcobranca' (v1.5.2).
[+] ADD: Compatibility with payment method 'PaymentDiscountsSurcharges' (Silbersaiten v1.0.1).
[*] MOD: Updating of the Brazilian language.
[*] MOD: Improvement to the online validator of the email.
[*] MOD: Now resize pop-ups if you change the size of the screen.
[*] MOD: It does not allow changing the default value of the 'optin' field.
[-] FIX: In virtual products it did not show all the totals.
[-] FIX: It showed the required privacy policy in the registry and it was not shown. It only happens when using our checkout register instead of the prestashop native.
[-] FIX: Optimization of address management.
[-] FIX: Correction to compatibility of the 'Packetery' module (Packetery, Ltd. - v1.17) with virtual products.
2.3.9 (11/23/2017)
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'CodPro' ( v1.7.6).
[*] MOD: Mejoras en la visualizacion de los campos personalizados de productos para hacer nuestro modulo compatibles con los que usen esto.
[*] MOD: La aceptacion el aceptar las politicas de privacidad junto con los terminos y condiciones para hacer compatible nuestro modulo con las leyes de varios paises.
[*] MOD: Se actualizan idiomas.
[-] FIX: Optimizacion del manejo de direcciones.
[-] FIX: No eran tomadas las restricciones de los metodos de pago por paises cuando se compra productos virtuales.
[-] FIX: Problema al calcular el valor restante para el envio gratuito en diferentes divisas.
2.3.8 (11/13/2017)
[+] ADD: Validacion online del RUT chileno.
[-] FIX: Solucion importante a bug de la version 2.3.7 en las direcciones.
2.3.7 (11/07/2017)
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'Culqi'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'KlarnaOfficial'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de transporte 'Packetery' (Packetery, Ltd. - v1.17).
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo 'ImaxVIES'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo de transporte 'Correos' y los transportes internacionales.
[+] ADD: Opcion de quitar los enlaces a los productos en el resumen de carrito.
[+] ADD: Opcion de ocultar la caja de texto para comentarios del pedido.
[+] ADD: Opcion de mostrar una ventana emergente para confirmar si la direccion de envio es correcta antes de proceder a la compra.
[*] MOD: Se unifica la actualizacion de direcciones en una sola funcion para mejorar este proceso.
[*] MOD: Se actualiza la validacion del DNI, CIF y NIE de Spain.
[-] FIX: Solo mostraba el mensaje de campos obligatorios con el boton de 'Guardar Informacion' activo.
[-] FIX: No se mostraban formas de pago con productos virtuales.
[-] FIX: En ocasiones no se actualizaban las imagenes de pagos subidas.
2.3.6 (09/23/2017)
V2.3.6 (22/09/2017)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo 'PaymentDiscountsSurcharges'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo 'Square Official Payment'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo 'CustomTextDesign'.
[+] ADD: Traduccion al esloveno.
[*] MOD: Se modifica compatiblidad del modulo de Correo Oficial v4.0.6.
[*] MOD: Se actualiza compatibilidad con metodo de envio 'Yupick'.
[*] MOD: Ahora muestra la moneda del dinero faltante para el envio gratuito.
[*] MOD: Se mejora manejo con las direcciones.
[*] MOD: Cambio visual de ingresar los cupones en el resumen de carrito.
[*] MOD: Se implementa nuevamente el autocompletar de google de versiones anteriores.
[*] MOD: Cuando se tiene el registro del checkout, ahora solo permite crear cuenta de cliente, no de invitados.
[-] FIX: Se corrige problema en movil con el pago 'stripe_official'.
[-] FIX: Se corrige compatibilidad con el modulo de pago 'Paypal' que maneja recargos.
[-] FIX: Problema con modulo de Paypal cuando se tiene la opcion 'Activar compatibilidad con metodos de pago no soportados' activa.
2.3.5 (07/28/2017)
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'MonerisAPI'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'Prestalia_Cashondelivery'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo 'ASMParcelShop'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo 'Redsys' (IdNovate).
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo 'Senangpay'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo 'Amanpay'.
[+] ADD: Opcion para evitar que se recarguen los envios al cambiar de provincia, ideal para tiendas que siempre tienen los mismo transportes para cualquier zona.
[+] ADD: Validacion directa del ID de Espana.
[*] MOD: Al forzar visualizacion a los metodos de pago ya no carga el hookPayment.
[*] MOD: Actualizacion de guia de usario.
[*] MOD: Se actualiza la clase oAuth Client.
[-] FIX: Problema al guardar opciones en Multi-Tienda.
[-] FIX: No quedaba guardada la oficina seleccionada. Modulo de Correos.
[-] FIX: Problema al compartir la traduccion.
[-] FIX: Problema con el envio gratuito faltante por transportista.
[-] FIX: Ahora calcula el IVA cambiando tambien de provincia en la direccion de facturacion.
[-] FIX: Se reemplazaba el nombre y apellido de la direccion de facturacion por el del cliente.
2.3.4 (07/02/2017)
V2.3.4 (01/07/2017)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'swawebpayws'.
[+] ADD: Opcion de contraer y expandir las secciones de traduccion.
[*] MOD: Se modifica compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'SeurCashOnDelivery'.
[*] MOD: Al registrarse por redes sociales, es redirigido al apartado de direcciones.
[-] FIX: Solucion a compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'firstdata': Borraba los datos de la tarjeta de credito a los clientes sin registro.
[-] FIX: Al crear una cuenta por redes sociales, siempre se creaba una direccion vacia.
[-] FIX: Al mostrar el peso en el resumen de carrito, siempre era mostrado en Kg y no en el peso configurado por la tienda.
[-] FIX: Al eliminar productos desde PrestaShop 1.5, se quedaba iniciada la sesion del cliente OPC Not Delete.
[-] FIX: Se mejora visualizacion del loading.
[-] FIX: Agregar un cupon de descuento por el total de la compra, generaba error y no permitia hacer la compra como invitado.
[-] FIX: Con el campo 'pais' desactivado, no cargaba la provincia de la direccion del cliente.
2.3.3 (06/07/2017)
V2.3.3 (06/06/2017)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'Heidelpay'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'PayOnline'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'FirstData' v1.2.9.
[-] FIX: Importante bug solucionado de la version 2.3.2. Pedia el campo 'Estado/Provincia' obligatorio en la direccion de facturacion siempre a los clientes logueados, sin importar si el cliente queria o no colocar una direccion de facturacion.
[-] FIX: Se duplicaba el cliente OPC Not Delete.
[-] FIX: No era mostrado los iconos de las redes sociales en el popup de hacer login.
[-] FIX: Cuando no se tenian direcciones de envio y facturacion, se estaban creando siempre direcciones nuevas al cliente.
2.3.2 (05/24/2017)
V2.3.2 (23/05/2017)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'CashOnDeliveryPlus' De pago y Free.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'CashOnDeliveryFeePlus' v4.3.1 (Prestalia).
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'PayTpv'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'Netaxept'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'Bankwirediscount' v0.9 (IdeaCommerce).
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo 'Checkvat' v1.6 (
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con modulo 'Paymentfee' v1.0 (IdeaCommerce).
[+] ADD: Se agregan mas palabras a la traduccion del Checo.
[*] MOD: Validar si al activar el autocompletar de google, se ingresa tambien su api key.
[*] MOD: Se desabilita el poder cambiar opciones a los campos ID, en ocasiones por error eran cambiados y ocasionaba problemas.
[-] FIX: Solucion a importantes problemas encontrados al interactuar con varias direcciones.
2.3.1 (04/26/2017)
V2.3.1 (25/04/2017)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'StripePro'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'PaypalPlus'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'MoIp'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'MercadoPago'.
[*] MOD: El resumen de pedido cambia se posicion arriba de los transportes y los pagos cuando se activa la opcion de compatibilidad de metodos de pago.
[*] MOD: Los botones flotantes de continuar y comprar ahora solo son visibles en pantallas que tengan mas de 640 pixeles de alto.
[*] MOD: Al forzar la visualizacion de un metodo de pago ya no envia a una nueva pagina.
[*] MOD: Se modifica compatibilidad ocn el metodo de pago 'CashOnDeliveryPlus'
[-] FIX: Se soluciona problema con modulo de Correos Express.
[-] FIX: No era mostrado el icono de las redes sociales.
[-] FIX: En la tienda se mostraban precios del ultimo pais que se habia sele
2.3.0 (04/20/2017)
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'Consel'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'esp_contrareembolso'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'Worldpay'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con 'Email Verification OPC'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con 'PProperties'.
[+] ADD: Cuando se muestra el listado de ciudades con GeoNames, al seleccionar una ciudad se autocompleta el codigo postal.
[*] MOD: Al hacer el login por redes sociales, ahora se tiene en cuenta el valor por defecto que tenga el campo newsletter.
[*] MOD: Mas mejoras en el tema de manejo de las direcciones.
[*] MOD: Actualizacion de la traduccion al Holandes.
[*] MOD: Pequenos retoques esteticos.
[-] FIX: Problema de compatibilidad con stripe official.
2.2.6 (03/01/2017)
V2.2.6 (28/02/2017)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'Paypal Plus'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'AmzPayment (Amazon Payment)'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'Dibs'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'StripePayment'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'VivaPayment'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'WayForPay'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'ecm_liqpay'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'eTransactions'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'baCodWithFees'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con version 2.0.2 'Last Minute OPC'.
[+] ADD: Registro y login por medio de Paypal.
[+] ADD: Mantiene el mensaje del resumen de pedido asi se cambie de transporte y se recargue.
[*] MOD: Mejora y limpieza interna de codigo.
[*] MOD: Actualizacion de guia de usuario.
[-] FIX: Al tener varios productos en el carrito e iniciar sesion o registrarse, no mostraba los transportias.
[-] FIX: Si era desactivado el no requerir identificacion fiscal en el pais, seguia siendo requerido en el checkout.
[-] FIX: En la pagina de checkout, los desplegables de algunos menus no eran mostrados.
[-] FIX: Siempre era instaladas las tablas con MyISAM, ahora son
2.2.5 (12/22/2016)
V2.2.5 (21/12/2016)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'MdStripe ('.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'ThePayBinder'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de envio ''.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con 'djtalbrazilianregister'.
[+] ADD: Traduccion al Eslovaco.
[+] ADD: Traduccion al Portugues.
[+] ADD: Ahora es posible definir una provincia por defecto para mostrar directamente los metodos de envio y no mostrarla pre-seleccionada en el checkout.
[*] MOD: Ahora si pones una provincia por defecto, no queda marcada en la lista, de esta manera mostramos los transportes sin seleccionar una provincia.
[*] MOD: Integracion mejorada con metodo de envio 'correos' v4.0.5.
[-] FIX: Cuando se estaba registrado al newsletter y luego te registrabas como cliente, se quitaba del newsletter.
[-] FIX: No alertaba de campos faltantes en la direccion de facturacion si esta se dejaba vacia.
2.2.4 (10/03/2016)
V2.2.4 (02/10/2016)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'PayPlug'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'DM_Cashondelivery'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'Liisi'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de envio 'MondialRelay'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con 'CustomPaymentMethod'.
[+] ADD: Traduccion al Checo.
[*] MOD: Ahora muestra las redes sociales en el popup de login.
[*] MOD: Mejora en compatibilidad con metodo de pago de 'Braintree' de 'Peter Michael Solidum'.
[-] FIX: Recargaba los metodos de envio al seleccionar un trasporte ya seleccionado.
2.2.2 (09/09/2016)
V2.2.2 (08/09/2016)

[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'NPaypalPro'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'Authorizeaim.Net'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'PayLater'.
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de envio 'BoxBerryDelivery'.
[+] ADD: Opcion de capitalizar los campos de texto.
[*] MOD: Mejoras en el re-uso de direcciones creadas automaticamente.
[*] MOD: Optimizacion de iconos e imagenes.
[*] MOD: Mejoras en la compatibilidad de metodo de pago 'BraintreeJS'.
[-] FIX: Problema con el boton de guardar informacion y el comprar pedido, al crear una nueva direccion.
[-] FIX: Mostraba incorrecto el formato de la moneda al aplicar un descuento.
2.2.1 (08/17/2016)
[+] ADD: Compatibilidad con metodo de pago 'MultiSafePay'.
[*] MOD: Ahora el autocompletar usa la libreria de bootstrap.
[*] MOD: Ahora las funcionalidades de GeoNames funcionan entre si.
[*] MOD: Actualizacion de libreria que hace la validacion de los campos.
[-] FIX: Solucion definitiva cuando se usa el numero de iva.
[-] FIX: Al cambiar colores de botones o alertas, siempre se quedaba con un borde azul.
[-] FIX: Problema al guardar informacion del cliente con el boton del primer paso.
[-] FIX: No mostraba los iconos de facebook y google.