
Generate PDF budgets based on the cart

Now your customers and visitors can generate a PDF budget of their shopping cart.

(Tax included)
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📑 What is Quotation module for PrestaShop?

Quotation OPC

Allow your customers to save a PDF budget with the information of their shopping cart: products, carrier and total purchase.

Quotation OPC

What functionalities does the Quotation module offer?

Below we detail some of the main features of this module:

Custom text in the footer

If you need to add an additional informative text to the PDFs of quotes that are generated. Additionally, you will be able to place a text according to the languages configured in your store.

Consecutive number

Configure a consecutive number with which you want to start the numbering of each quote generated.

Associate CMS

Thinking about the security of your customers and your store, you can associate a CMS with the content to authorize the consent of data collection and the conditions of the service provided.

Budget Copy

Configure the different emails in which you want to obtain a copy of the budgets that are generated.

Budget history

You will be able to access a list of all the budgets generated, in order to measure the performance of this service and then follow up with the data collected within your CRM.


Like all the modules developed by PresTeamShop, you will have the option to translate the different texts of the module into the language that you have in your store in a more agile way.

Code editor

Another very interesting functionality that our modules offer is the editing of Javascript and CSS code within the module configuration without the need to enter your server to edit files.

We recommend only using this functionality if you are knowledgeable, otherwise leave these Javascript and CSS customizations to your programmer.

Quotation OPC
Un poco más de Quotation OPC

Version history

4.1.0 (01/21/2025)
Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed an issue in some stores where, after closing the modal window for calculating quotes, the dark overlay did not disappear.
New Features and Improvements:
  - Added two separate options to enable or disable the visibility of the module's quote button: one for the cart page and another for the checkout page.  
  - Added an option to display the module's "Calculate Quote" button on the cart page.
  - Added an option to configure the hook where the module's "Calculate Quote" button is displayed.
  - Improved the layout and clarity of the quotation PDF for better presentation.
  - The module is now compatible with PrestaShop's native checkout.
4.0.2 (09/13/2023)
- Compatibilities:
    - #QOPC-T6: Compatibility with PrestaShop 8 is added.
    - #QOPC-T6: Compatibility with checkout v5 of the One Page Checkout PrestaShop module is added - PresTeamShop.
4.0.1 (09/01/2022)
Nueva característica y mejora
  - Eliminamos el hook shoppingCart y se implementa el hook displayReassurance.
  - Ahora el campo de teléfono permite caracteres y símbolos, no solo números.
  - Ya no se visualiza la imagen del producto en el PDF, para evitar problemas en productos que no dispongan de imagen.
4.0.0 (06/25/2022)
- New version. Only available for versions 1.7.
1.0.2 (07/06/2017)
[+] ADD: Guías de usuario (ES-EN).
[+] ADD: Opciones en la configuración del módulo (Editores de texto - Otros módulos - Sugerencias).
[+] ADD: Información en el email y PDF del presupuesto enviado por el cliente (No. de presupuesto - Nombre del cliente - Email - Teléfono - Fecha - Comentario).
[+] ADD: Campo en el formulario de envió de presupuesto para adicionar un comentario a este.
[+] ADD: Opcion para ver historial de presupuestos enviados por los clientes.
1.0.1 (06/25/2017)
[+] ADD: Campo en el Back Office para configurar correos para copiar los presupuestos enviados por los clientes.